Creating Billing Schedules from Contracts

When you activate a contract, billing schedules are created depending on the options you choose. You can replace billing schedules that have been deleted or create new billing schedules for the portion of a contract or contract line item that has not yet been billed.

Billing schedules for each contract line item are created from whichever of these is the latest:


If you change a contract line item on an active contract, we recommend that you delete the billing schedules that have not yet been billed and recreate them.

To create billing schedules for a contract or contract line item:

  1. Open the contract or the specific contract line item.
  2. Click Create Billing Schedules or Generate Billing Schedules.
  3. [Optional] Enter the Start Date from which to create billing schedules.
  4. Enter the End Date to create billing schedules up until.
  5. Click Create.