Activating Link Control

You can easily activate link control directly from a declarative publication or subscription. If you activate link control from a publication, Foundations sets up links for the publication and the relevant subscriptions on the same message type. If you activate link control from a subscription, Foundations sets up links for the subscription and the relevant publications on the same message type.


Link control is only activated for declarative records that meet the following criteria:


Consider the following information before activating link control for a publication or subscription.

Custom Link Control Developer Names

Before you activate link control, you can create unique link control developer names on publications and subscriptions manually. If the fields are blank, Foundations generates these values automatically using the following information:

For example, an automatically generated link control developer name for a Foundations billing document publication could be ERPBil, a second publication for the same object could be ERPBil1.


We recommend that you do not modify the link control developer name after link control has been configured as this prevents link control messages from being received. If you update the name, you must reactivate link control.

Child Mappings

It is possible to set up link control for child record mappings. To populate link control fields on child source records, you must create child mappings using specific record creation methods. Foundations only populates link control fields on child source records when the child mapping contains one of the following record creation methods:

This applies to all child mappings in the subscription hierarchy that contain a target child type of Default. For more information about target child types, see Splitting Source Data into Multiple Target Records.

Foundations always populates link control fields on child target records, regardless of the record creation method.

Permissions to Activate Link Control

To activate link control in Foundations, you must be assigned the FDN Core - Administrator permission set and one of the following profiles:

For more information about assigning permissions, see the Salesforce Help.

Remote Site Settings

If you do not have My Domain set up in your org, you must register the following URL as a trusted remote site in Remote Site Settings: (where YourInstance your org's Salesforce instance, such as NA9).

For more information about remote site settings, see the Salesforce Help.

Activate Link Control

To activate link control:

  1. Click the Message Types tab in the Foundations Administration app.
  2. Click the name of the message type that contains the relevant publications and subscriptions.
  3. Click the Publications or Subscriptions link to see a list of related records.
  4. From the Publications or Subscriptions list view, click the name of the publication or subscription for which you want to activate link control.
  5. Click Activate Link Control. A summary of the link control fields that will be created is displayed. Review this information and make a note of the field API names for future reference.
  6. To continue, click Confirm. Link control mapping details are visible when you view the messaging relationship or publications and subscriptions independently.
  7. Update the relevant page layouts on the source and target objects to include the new fields, as required.
  8. Update the relevant users' permissions to provide view access to these fields.
  9. [Optional] If you want to customize the information that is displayed, update the labels and help text for the new linking field. By default, the labels reference the source or target object name, as appropriate.

For more information about updating page layouts, editing field labels, and assigning permissions to users, see the Salesforce Help.

Updating Publications or Subscriptions

If you create a new publication or subscription after you have activated link control, you must activate link control for the new records.

Making the following changes to publications or subscriptions can affect link control:

If you make any of these changes after you have activated link control, click Activate Link Control to update the link control items. Ensure you update the relevant permissions and page layouts to include any new linking fields.