Exporting Publications and Subscriptions

You can export all publications and subscriptions relating to a message type from the Message Types tab or Message Type Detail page.

You can also export a single publication or subscription from its detail page.

To export publications and subscriptions:

  1. Depending on where you want to export publications and subscriptions from:
    • From the All list view on the Message Types tab, select the checkboxes of the message types that contain publications and subscriptions you want to export and click Messaging Export.
    • From a message type record, click Messaging Export.
    • From a publication record, click Export Publication.
    • From a subscription record, click Export Subscription.
  2. [Optional] Clear the checkboxes of publications and subscriptions that you want to exclude from the export. Publications and subscriptions are grouped by the developer name of the message type to which they belong.
  3. Click Export.
  4. Open the file or save it to your computer depending on the options that your browser displays.

Data transformation details are not exported with messaging data.

If you want to apply data transformation to imported messaging data, you can do the following:

  1. Ensure that data transformation tables and transformations are configured in the org you imported messaging data to.
  2. Navigate to the messaging relationship that contains the imported publication or subscription.
  3. Identify the field mappings that you want to apply data transformation to.
  4. Edit the field mappings and complete the following steps:
    1. Update the target type to be Transformed Data.
    2. Specify the target field and the data transformation table you want to apply to it.
    3. Click Save.

For more information about editing a field mapping and specifying a data transformation table, see Adding Mappings to a Messaging Relationship and Editing Mappings on a Messaging Relationship.