Configuring Reports and Statements

Use these components to customize and configure your Financial Reports and Statements.


The sidebar on a financial statement or customized report provides you with a selection of filters to customize your report view. You can hide this sidebar to maximize the space available in the page by clicking Side chevron.. You can also refine the data the report displays by creating and configuring filters.

To create and configure your filters perform the following steps:

  1. Click Lightning cog icon..
  2. Specify a display name for your filter.
  3. Select the field type for the filter you want to create. The available types are: Dimension, Measure, Soft Date, and Date.
  4. Select your required lens. The grouping you have specified for this lens in Analytics Studio is displayed in the field section below.
  5. In the section corresponding to the field type, select the fields you want to filter by.
  6. Specify filter logic operators. Available options are the following:
    • For Dimension type fields: Contains, Equals, Not Equals, Is Null, Is Not Null.
    • For Measure type fields: Equals, Not Equals, Between, Greater Than, Greater Than Or Equal To, Less Than, Less Than Or Equal To, Is Null, Is Not Null.
    • For Date type fields: Between, Greater Than Or Equal To, Less Than Or Equal To, Is Null, Is Not Null.
  7. [Optional] Select the Default Selection for the filter that matches your filter logic. This option is disabled for "Is Null" and "Is Not Null" operators.
  8. Note: You can select one or more values using the "Equals" and "Not Equals" operators, also the "Contains" operator enables you to specify a single text value. For example, if you specify the text "Merlin" using the "Contains" operator, the filter returns records such as "Merlin Auto Spain", "Merlin Inc", and "Merlin Enterprises".
  9. Click Save to create the filter.

After a filter is created you can modify it, to do so click Edit icon. to open your selected filter in Analytics Studio. Once you have finished modifying your filter refresh the web browser page for the report to update it.

For example, after configuring your Report Component, you can create a Company Name drop-down filter in the sidebar to refine the data displayed by the report to show only information related to your selected companies.

You can create up to five filters for reports created using the Financial Reports tab. You can add more filters by editing the Lightning page layout for your report. For more information on editing the page layout, see Configuring Financial Report Builder.


You can view details of all filters applied to your report or statement by clicking Filters Set. Your report displays an initial preview of the current period date override selected for your report or statement, if applied, and the total number of Analytics or Financial Report Builder filters you have added. If you click Filters Set this opens a Table Filters modal window with further details of Analytics, Financial Report Builder, and Financial Report Builder Drill Filters. You cannot edit the information displayed in this modal window, but you can expand each filter display container to enable easier viewing by dragging the corner Drag to resize the window..

Financial Report Table

The Financial Report table displays your financial report, you can further configure this table to customize it to your specific needs using the following features.

Editing the Financial Report Table Name

You can edit the name of your Financial Report Tables by following these steps:

  1. From the Financial Report Table Configuration, click Edit Table Name to open its respective modal.
  2. In the Edit Table Name modal, enter a name for your table in the available field.
  3. Click Save to apply the name you entered to the table.

Report Component Configuration

After creating your financial statement or customized report, you must configure the components that comprise the tables displayed in it.

The following components are available for configuration:

Pivoting Report Data

You can select Pivot to pivot the data displayed in your table columns. Pivoting organizes the data displayed for a selected dimension according to your reporting requirements. The ordering of columns in a report or statement means that the column with the dimension you want to pivot must be placed at the end of your list of configured columns. In your report or statement, this pivoted data is displayed on the right side of the table. You can only pivot by one dimension at a time in your report or statement.


Pivoting applied to your lenses in Analytics Studio is not applied to the data displayed in your report columns. You can only pivot your data in your report by selecting Pivot in the Dimension Columns tab.

Pivoting Time Period Type Lenses

If you apply pivoting to more than one time period type lens, where these lenses have different periods with null values, then the columns displayed in your report will not be presented in chronological order. To resolve this issue, see Pivoting Time Period Type Lenses.

Exporting Reports and Statements

After you have configured your report or statement, you can download it in CSV or PDF format. To do this, perform the following steps:

  1. Click Export from your report.
  2. [Optional] Specify a title for your report.
  3. [Optional] Select whether you want to include filters in your downloaded report. Note that only filters that alter the data displayed in your report can be included in your download file.
  4. Specify your file download format. Available options are CSV and PDF.
  5. Specify the report details you want to include in your file download. Available options are:
    1. Data with Filters. This is a complete report.
    2. Data with Period Override. This is a report with data tables, data table titles, and a current period override, if applied.
    3. Data Tables Only. This is a report containing data existing tables only, and no additional information.
  6. [PDF only] Select Portrait or Landscape as the orientation for your downloaded report.
  7. [PDF only] Select your paper size. Available options are Letter, A4, and Legal.
  8. [Optional, PDF only] Select whether to add a logo image to your exported file.
  9. [Optional, PDF only] Select whether to add row identifiers to your exported file.
  10. [Optional, PDF only] Select your logo image from the drop-down menu.
  11. Click Download.

Adding or Editing Logo Images

A default FinancialForce logo is provided by default in the Winter 2022 release of Financial Report Builder. This default logo is added using a custom setting. Any subsequent logos are added or deleted using the standard Salesforce functionality described below.

To enable the default FinancialForce logo for use, see Enabling the Default Report Logo Image.

To add or edit a logo image to replace the default FinancialForce logo image, perform the following steps:

  1. From the App Launcher, navigate to Files.
  2. Upload or delete your logo image as required.

The size of your logo image must not exceed 3 MB. Uploaded logo images that exceed this size are not available for selection in the logo picker.

Emailing your Report

If you want, you can email a copy of your report in your specified file format to one or more Salesforce users.

  1. Complete the following email fields:
    1. Recipients. This is a mandatory field.
    2. Subject.
    3. Body.
  2. Click Download. You will receive a confirmation message notifying you that your report has been emailed successfully.

Export Restrictions

When exporting your reports and statements the following restrictions apply.

File Export Restrictions



PDF Non-Latin characters are not currently supported in exported reports and statements.

If the number of columns contained in your report exceeds the limit of the page layout, these columns are spread out across multiple pages. This can lead to columns associated with each other for reporting purposes being disassociated in the exported report. To avoid this problem, we recommend you select the Add Row Identifiers to Exported File option. This inserts a row index number for each row of your report.

CSV To avoid errors, we recommend you do not try to export unconfigured reports using this file format.