Reporting on Revenue Forecasts

The following packaged reports are available from the PSA: Services Forecasting folder on the Reports tab.

Report Name Description
Opportunity Revenue Forecast Details V1 Enables you to drill down into the revenue forecasts for opportunities to see where the totals in the Project Revenue Forecast Summary report come from.
Opportunity Revenue Forecast Summary V1 Shows opportunity revenue forecast values summarized by month.
Project Revenue Forecast Details V2 Enables you to drill down into the revenue source on a project to see where the totals in the Project Revenue Forecast Summary report come from.
Project Revenue Forecast Summary V2 Shows project revenue forecast values summarized by month, and stacked by actual revenue and forecast revenue.
Services Revenue Forecast V1 Shows revenue forecast values for projects and opportunities summarized by month, and stacked by actual revenue and forecast revenue.

If you change a report, the original settings in the report will be lost. We recommend that you copy these reports to use as a basis for your own Revenue Forecasting reports.

For more information on creating and running reports, see "Reports" in the Salesforce Help.