Revenue Forecast Version Adjustment Fields

The revenue forecast version adjustment record includes the following fields.

Key: Descriptions of checkbox settings describe the selected (true) case.

Field Description
Active Indicates that the change in value represented by this adjustment is applied to the values displayed on the Review Forecast Version page.
Corp: Adjustment Value The change in value represented by the adjustment in the corporate currency.
Corp: Currency The corporate currency of the org at the time the revenue forecast was run.
Exchange Rate The exchange rate from the corporate currency to the local currency.
Milestone Lookup to the milestone this adjustment relates to.
Notes Information to explain the reason for the adjustment.
Opportunity Lookup to the opportunity this adjustment relates to.
Project Lookup to the project this adjustment relates to.
Region Lookup to the region, practice, or group this adjustment relates to.
Revenue Forecast Version Lookup to the revenue forecast version this adjustment relates to.
Scenario The scenario that this revenue forecast version adjustment relates to.
Time Period Lookup to the time period this adjustment relates to.
Unique Identifier The unique identifier for active revenue forecast version adjustment records. This is a system controlled field.