Managing Self-Nominations for Work Opportunities


For you to use this functionality, an administrator must first enable the Candidates Can Self-Nominate for Work custom setting. For more information, see Setting Up the Work Opportunities Hub.

An administrator must also grant you the PSA - Manage Self-Nominations on Work Opportunities permission set.

To allow prospective candidates to express interest in upcoming work, you must indicate the resource requests you want to make available for self-nomination:

  1. Select Allow Candidates to Self-Nominate on the resource request.
  2. Enter a closing date in the Self-Nomination Deadline field.
  3. [Optional] Enter explanatory details in the Information for Prospective Candidates field.
  4. [Optional] Enter relevant details in the Work City and Work Country fields if you want resources to be able to view the location of the work. If these fields are not visible on the resource request record, you will need to add them to your page layout.
  5. Click Save.

The resource can then:

For the resource request to be visible to a resource in the PSA Resource Self-Nomination Lightning component, it must meet the following criteria, unless an administrator has deselected one or more of the available filters in the Work Opportunities Hub custom setting:


Sub-regions, sub-practices, and sub-groups are not currently supported. If your organization uses any or all of these, an administrator must deselect the relevant filter settings:

For more information on the filters available for controlling which resource requests are visible to a resource in Work Opportunities Coming Soon, see Configuring Resource Request Filters and Work Opportunities Hub Settings.

When a resource expresses interest in a resource request, a candidate record is created, which links the resource to the resource request. If the resource subsequently withdraws their interest, the candidate record is deleted. PSA allows a maximum of five resources to express interest in the same resource request.

Resources that have expressed interest in a resource request are indicated by Self-Nominated in the Candidate Type column when you view the Resource List tab on the PSA Resource Requests Lightning page. The Candidate Type column is only displayed when the current resource request has the Allow Candidates to Self-Nominate checkbox selected. To bring self-nominated candidates to the top of the list, click the Candidate Type column heading.

The Resource column on the Resource Schedule tab of the PSA Resource Requests Lightning page also shows whether a resource has expressed interest. For more information, see Resource Schedule Overview.


If a self-nominated resource is not visible because a maximum of 200 records can be returned, consider adding a Candidates related list to the page layout. This shows all related resources that have a candidate record, so that you can view a list of all self-nominated resources for the resource request.

For more information on the PSA Resourcing Lightning component, see Using the Resourcing Lightning Component and Resourcing Lightning Component Overview.