Resource Search Service Settings
Resource Search Service settings enable resources to be weighted or prioritized when ranked using Intelligent Staffing.
When Intelligent Staffing is enabled, weighting and priority settings can be set in combination to determine a recommendation rank for displaying resources in the PSA Resourcing component.
Weighting settings determine the weighted importance of the following for matching when filtering resources:
- Role
- Region
- Practice
- Group
- Worked with customer
- Custom filter fields
Priority settings determine the priority ranking of the following:
- Role, Region, Practice, Group, Worked With Customer, and custom filter fields.
- Skills fields.
- Resource percentage availability.
For more information about Intelligent Staffing, including enabling it, and some examples illustrating how these settings influence weighting of fields and ranking resources, see the following:
The following from the highest to the lowest weighting represent the amount of weight to apply to a match.
Option |
Description | Default |
Essential | A resource must match on the attribute to be returned in the results. Essential is the highest possible weighting. | Yes |
Ideal | A resource does not need to match on the attribute to be returned in the results. | No |
Desirable | A resource does not need to match on the attribute to be returned in the results. | No |
Suggested | A resource does not need to match on the attribute to be returned in the results. Suggested is the lowest possible weighting. | No |