About Related Content Panes

When you review accounts, you may want to look up more information about them such as the customer contact details, so you can discuss the account. You can build a customized pane of related information which is available for display from any account line. This is called a related content paneClosed Shows various types of information in the action view results, for example address and contact information, tasks and chatter posts associated with the account. Some information is editable..

You can create many related content panesClosed Shows various types of information in the action view results, for example address and contact information, tasks and chatter posts associated with the account. Some information is editable., and associate them with action view templates. In this way, for example, when running an action view, your credit controller can view details of the customer's accounts payable team, but your marketing department can see details of the purchasing decision makers.


You can access related content panes from the Related Content Panes tab or from within an action view.

When you build a related content pane you are provided with a palette of components from your FinancialForce products, as well as general components for Salesforce objects: Action Views supports all Salesforce field types. You can also add your own custom components to the palette.

You are in control of the layout of the pane, and can resize some components, control their position, and create your own labels for them. You can also edit the field content, except for the standard audit fields.

The information shown on the pane is subject to normal Salesforce security, so a user can never see data that they do not have permission to see.

You can use components to: