Configuring an Estimate

When you have created an estimate, you can configure it by adding resource requests, project tasks, and applying a discount. For more information about creating an estimate, see Creating an Estimate.

Adding and Deleting Project Tasks

To add a project task to an estimate:

  1. Do one of the following:
    • Click .
      Tip: Select a cell to add the new task row underneath the currently selected row.
    • Double-click the "New Task" cell at the bottom of the table in the Project Task column.
  2. Enter a name for the project task.
  3. Complete the fields described in Project Task Fields in the PSA Help.

To add a project task from a template to an estimate:

  1. Click Estimate Transactions | Add Project Tasks from Template.
  2. Select a project to copy tasks from by selecting a recently used project, or by searching for a project using two or more characters anywhere in the project name.

    You can select from all projects or choose to select from only template projects. The projects that are listed are controlled by project sharing settings. A maximum of 100 projects are listed. Projects without tasks are not listed.

  3. Click Next. The project tasks and their associated details are displayed, and all of the tasks are selected by default.
  4. [Optional] Select an option that reflects the date the copied tasks should start or end in the estimate that they are being copied to. The existing hierarchy, durations, and dependencies are calculated relative to this date:
    • Starting on project start date: The start date of the earliest copied task matches the start date of the estimate. If the estimate does not have a start date, the task's original start date is used.
    • Ending on project end date: The end date of the latest copied task matches the end date of the estimate.
    • Starting on selected date: Select a start date for the earliest copied task.
    • Ending on selected date: Select an end date for the latest copied task.

    Your option is retained if you are using the same browser on the same computer.

  5. [Optional] Deselect any tasks that you do not want to copy.
  6. Click Add Tasks. A progress bar is displayed as the selected project tasks are added to the current estimate.

To delete a task from an estimate:

  1. Select a cell on the row of the task you want to delete.
  2. Click .
  3. Click Delete.

Adding and Deleting Resource Requests

To add resource requests to a task:

  1. On the row of the task you want to add resource requests to, double-click the Resource Role cell.
  2. Complete the fields as described in Request Resources Fields in the PSA Help.
  3. [Optional] Click to add another resource request.
    Tip: Click to delete the resource request on the row that's currently selected.
  4. Click Save.

To delete a resource request from a task:

  1. Select a cell on the row of the task you want to delete.
  2. Click .
    Tip: To select multiple tasks, hold down Command (Mac), Ctrl (PC) while selecting the tasks you want to delete.

Applying a Discount

To apply a discount to an estimate:

  1. Click next to the Discount (%) field.
  2. Enter a percentage.
  3. Click Save. The Discount (Amount) field, Amount, Estimated Margin (Amount), and Estimated Margin (%) fields then update.