Object and Field Mappings

From Fall 2021, in enhanced modeClosed When SRP runs in enhanced mode, it uses the improved mechanism introduced starting with Spring 2021. This includes better flow execution performance and a modern user experience. Enhanced mode is enabled when the Run Integration in Enhanced Mode field in the SRP Integration Settings custom setting is selected. SRP uses Foundations mappings to determine how PSA objects relate to Accounting objects and vice-versa. The mappings also define which fields are copied from the source record to the target record when an integration flow executes. In some cases, where a relevant field doesn't exist on the source object, SRP provides a static value as the source.

The mappings for each flow are configured by default. You can view the default mappings, add custom fields mappings, and override the default field-level mappings. Some flows use multiple Foundations mapping processes. For the full list of the Foundations mapping processes used in SRP, see Foundations Mappings for SRP.


The mapping process for the Miscellaneous Adjustments to Journals flow uses child target types to define mapping for the two journal line items created. Child mappings of type "Default" are used when creating the default journal line item. Child mappings of type "Balancing" are used when creating the balancing journal line item. If you enter another type or leave the Target Child Type field blank, the mapping is not used. For more information about this flow, see Making Adjustments: Miscellaneous Adjustments to Journals.

For more information about viewing SRP mappings, see Viewing Mappings.

You can migrate your custom field-level mappings defined in ClickLink and integration rules to Foundations mappings. For more information, see Migrating Custom ClickLink and Integration Rule Mappings to Foundations Mappings Using the Feature Console.

You can also create custom mappings or override the default mappings. For more information, see Adding Custom Mappings.


In legacy mode, SRP uses ClickLink and integration rules to define object and field mappings. For more information, see Creating SRP Integration and ClickLink Rules in Legacy Mode.