Canceling, Replacing, and Adjusting Sales Invoices Created from Billing Events

You might need to cancel a sales invoice that was incorrectly created, or rectify a sales invoice that is disputed by your customer. With SRP, you must consider both the Accounting documents and the PSA business records they were created from. The sections below provide more information about the most common scenarios.

Canceling a Sales Invoice

You might have created a sales invoice by mistake and now want to cancel it.

In that case, perform the following steps:

  1. Depending on the status of the sales invoice, do one of the following:
    1. If the status is "In Progress", discard the sales invoice. For more information, see Discarding Sales Invoices in the Accounting Help.
    2. If the status is "Completed", convert the sales invoice to a credit note. For more information, see Creating a Credit Note from a Sales Invoice in the Accounting Help.

      With SRP installed, when you convert a sales invoice to a sales credit note, additional fields are copied from the invoice to the credit note.

      In enhanced mode, the fields are defined in the Sales Invoice to Sales Credit Note mapping process. For more information, see Viewing Mappings.

      In legacy mode, the fields are defined in the Map Analysis fields from Invoice to Credit Note integration rule. For more information, see Map Analysis fields from Invoice to Credit Note Rule.

  2. Edit the billing event that the sales invoice originates from.
  3. Select Allow Delete Without Validation. This enables you to clear the billing event.
  4. Clear the billing event. For more information, see Reverting Billing Data in the PSA Help.

You can now run the billing process again in PSA to generate a new billing event and pass it to Accounting.

Replacing an Entire Sales Invoice

Your customer might have received a sales invoice, but they have disputed it. They now require a credit note and a replacement invoice. Similarly, you might have billed the wrong customer in a sales invoice. You must now cancel it and create a new sales invoice.

In either case, perform to following steps:

  1. Convert the sales invoice to a credit note. For more information, see Creating a Credit Note from a Sales Invoice in the Accounting Help.

    With SRP installed, when you convert a sales invoice to a sales credit note, additional fields are copied from the invoice to the credit note.

    In enhanced mode, the fields are defined in the Sales Invoice to Sales Credit Note mapping process. For more information, see Viewing Mappings.

    In legacy mode, the fields are defined in the Map Analysis fields from Invoice to Credit Note integration rule. For more information, see Map Analysis fields from Invoice to Credit Note Rule.

  2. Edit the billing event that the sales invoice originates from.
  3. Select Allow Delete Without Validation. This enables you to clear the billing event.
  4. Clear the billing event. For more information, see Reverting Billing Data in the PSA Help.
  5. Correct the incorrect PSA business records. Depending on the exact case, you might need to create a miscellaneous adjustment.
  6. Run the billing process again to generate a new billing event.
  7. Create a sales invoice from the new billing event.

Adjusting a Sales Invoice

Your customer might have received a sales invoice, but they have disputed only parts of it. They now require a credit note or an additional invoice to record the adjustments.

In that case, perform the following steps:

  1. Create a miscellaneous adjustment to record the amendments.
  2. Run the billing process to generate a billing event for the miscellaneous adjustment.
  3. Pass the billing event to Accounting. If the miscellaneous adjustment has a positive amount, SRP creates a sales invoice. If the miscellaneous adjustment has a negative amount, a sales credit note is created.