Editing Cash Entries

To update selected details on an "In Progress" cash entryClosed A record of money received from, or refunded to, your customers, often in the form of cash or a check. Also used to record payments to and refunds from vendors., click Edit on a cash entry detail or list page, at any time prior to posting, and then change the fields you want to update.

See Cash Entry Fields for a full description of the standard fields that make up a cash entry.

Amending a posted cash entry

To amend (add, edit, or delete) the contents of the following set of fields on a posted cash entry, either:

Note: Note Notepad
Do not amend the Account field. It is automatically populated from cash entry line items. If you override this field, then other processes will fail.

The changes that you make are also automatically reflected in both the related transactionClosed A record created when documents are posted to the general ledger. Transactions must balance (sum to zero) in home, dual, and document currency. and the appropriate balances. The type of balances that are updated automatically depend on how your organization has been configured.
