Matching Cash Entries

If you are using Lightning, or custom input forms (CIF) and have enabled the Matching from Cash Entry feature in Feature Console, you can run the background matching process from the Cash Entry page to match an individual cash entry, regardless of the number of cash entry line items.

The following rules apply:

You must have the Accounting - Background Matching and FDN AsyncApi - Process permission sets assigned. If you do no have the correct permissions, an error message displays

To match a cash entry:

  1. On the Cash Entries tab, click the cash entry that you want to match.
  2. Click Match.
  3. [Optional] Change the default values. Default values for some of the fields are defined in the Default Information fields on the Accounting Company. For more information, see Accounting Company Fields. Note that the order of the selected documents in Document Matching Sequence will determine the order in which documents will be matched. See Background Matching Fields for details.
  4. [Optional] If you are matching from the CIF page, click Next.
  5. Click Start Matching.

You are notified by email when the matching is complete. You can also view the Process Logs to view matching results.

On a single cash receipt line, in the Account Reference field, you can input multiple invoice numbers or multiple invoice Customer Reference values. The delimiter to use between inputs is the 'pipe' character. '|'
For example, SIN000540|SIN000551|SIN000572.

When multiple invoice references are specified on the cash entry line Account Reference, the values are processed left to right during matching, so the left most record is matched first.


Matching of Cash entry receipt lines with multiple invoice references is not supported when using custom input forms (CIF) if the Matching from Cash Entry feature is not enabled.
Matching Cash Entry to Cash Entry by Document Number is not currently supported. You must select Customer Reference in First Match By to match Cash Entry to Cash Entry.