Archive Set Filter Fields

The following fields and buttons are displayed on the Archive Set Filter page.


Key: * – Mandatory field

Field   Description
Company * The company that you want to create an archive set for.
Year * The financial year that you want to create an archive set for.
From Period *

The periods that you want to archive data for. You can only select a range. If you want to archive data from a single period, enter the same value in both fields. You cannot select any open periods or any of the special periods, for example, Period 100.

If you do not select any periods, all periods for the selected year will be archived.

To Period *
Document Type *

The document type to archive.

Create Summarization Journal  

If checked, a journal summarizing all the transactions in the archive set is created.


Field Description
Cancel Cancels any changes and re-displays the archive set page.
Create Archive Set Creates the archive set and marks the selected data for archiving.