Creating an App from the PSA Core Analytics Template

You must be assigned administrator permissions, or equivalent to create a new PSA Core Analytics app.

To avoid errors in the creation of your app, we recommend you follow the steps described in Setting up PSA Analytics Apps before creating it.

Creating your PSA Core Analytics App

To create your PSA Core Analytics app, perform the following steps.


  1. From the App Launcher, navigate to PSA Analytics Setup.
    Note: The steps required to configure and create your PSA Core Analytics app are performed outside of Analytics Studio. After creating the app, you can view its dashboards and datasets in Analytics Studio, provided you have been assigned the appropriate licenses and permission sets. See Licensing and PSA Analytics Permission Sets for more information.
  2. Click New to create a new PSA Analytics Setup record. You can have unlimited PSA Analytics Setup records, but only one PSA Core Analytics app.
  3. The configuration wizard allows you to customize the following values in your PSA Analytics Setup record before it is used to create your PSA Core Analytics app.
  1. Click Save after entering your required configuration settings. This creates your PSA Analytics Setup record. You must set this record to "Active" before you can use it to create a new PSA Core Analytics app.
  2. Click Create.
  3. Click Yes.

Your PSA Core Analytics app is now created. You can check the progress of your app's creation by clicking on the PSA Analytics Setup record in the app creation confirmation message, or navigating to Setup | Auto-Installed Apps | Apps.

Updating Your PSA Core Analytics App

To update your PSA Core Analytics app from the PSA Core Analytics template, perform the following steps.

  1. Navigate to Setup | Auto-Installed Apps | Apps.
  2. Open the PSA Core Analytics app.
  3. Click Update App.

You are now able to update your PSA Core Analytics app.

If you or your administrator has a Business Analytics license and the required permission sets, you can view and edit your PSA Core Analytics datasets and dashboards in Analytics Studio. For more information, see Licensing and Permission Sets.

Assets Generated when you Create a PSA Core Analytics App

Generated Assets


App Template



Foundations PSA Core Analytics
  • Backlog
  • Billing Forecast Summaries
  • Billings
  • Capacity
  • Currency ISO Code
  • Total Project Margin (Workspace)
  • Project Reporting
  • Resource Skills
  • Revenue Forecast
  • RPG
  • Utilization
  • Utilization Results
  • PSA Revenue Forecast
  • PSA Utilization Analytics
  • PSA Services CPQ Estimator
  • PSA Services CPQ Estimate Manager
  • PSA Project Burnup Plus (Scheduled data only)

Dataflow Scheduling

By default, the dataflows generated when you create your PSA Core Analytics app are scheduled to run every 24 hours, starting at 01:00, according to the time zone set in your org. To alter this setting, perform the following steps:

  1. In Analytics Studio, click Data Manager.
  2. Click Manage Dataflows.
  3. Click the Dataflows tab.
  4. Click Arrow | Schedule and enter your preferred date and time.