Completing Billing Documents

You can complete billing documents with the status "Draft" or "Ready for Review" when they have one or more line items.

When you set a billing document to "Complete", the Total Billed field on related contract line items is updated:

This enables you to create reports to analyze the revenue on each contract.

If your org uses the Billing Document to Transaction integration:

If your org uses the Billing Document to Sales Invoice or Credit Note integration, you can create a sales invoice or a credit note from a complete billing document. For more information, see Creating Sales Invoices from Billing Documents and Creating Sales Credit Notes from Billing Documents in the Accounting Help.

To mark a single billing document as complete:

  1. Click Complete in the Billing Document Detail page of the billing document you want to mark as complete.
  2. To confirm the action, click Complete.

Completing Several Documents

To mark several billing documents as complete:

  1. Select the billing documents you want to complete in the list view on the Billing Documents tab.
  2. Click Complete.
  3. To confirm the action, click Complete Billing Documents.