Adding Project Tasks from a Template


You can add all or selected project tasks from an existing projectClosed A collection of activities and related items to be managed over a defined time range, such as timecards, expenses, milestones and budgets. to your current project. The existing project does not need to be marked as a template. Existing hierarchy and project task dependencies are maintained.

To add project tasks from a project template:

  1. On a project record, click Actions | Project Tasks | Add Project Tasks from Template. The Select a Starting Point window opens. You can select an existing project or a template project to add project tasks from. Projects without project tasks are not listed.
  2. Select a recently used project, or search for a project using two or more characters that appear anywhere in the project name. You can select from all projects or select Templates Only to select from only template projects. Up to 100 projects are listed and are controlled by project sharing settings.

    The available projects and project templates are displayed in cards by default. To view them in list format, select List from the Button to change to List view button menu. Your selection is retained whenever you use the same browser on the same computer.

  3. Click Next. The project tasks and their associated details are displayed, and all of the tasks are selected by default.
  4. [Optional] Select an option that reflects the date the copied tasks should start or end in the project that they are being copied to. The existing hierarchy, durations, and dependencies are calculated relative to this date:
    • Starting on project start date: The start date of the earliest copied task matches the start date of the project. If the project does not have a start date, the task's original start date is used.
    • Ending on project end date: The end date of the latest copied task matches the end date of the project.
    • Starting on selected date: Select a start date for the earliest copied task.
    • Ending on selected date: Select an end date for the latest copied task.

    Your option is retained if you are using the same browser on the same computer.

  5. [Optional] Deselect any tasks that you do not want to copy.
  6. Click Add Tasks. A progress bar is displayed as the selected project tasks are added to the current project.
    Note: Gantt is reloaded if it is already on the same project page and you do not close the progress bar before the process completes.

Supported Functions of Project Tasks

When you add tasks from a template to another project, the following functionality is supported: