Resource Schedule Lightning Component Buttons, Controls, and Fields

Buttons and Controls

Button or Control Description
Pin button Pins the selected resource.
Unpin button Unpins a pinned resource.
Reload button Reloads the Resource Schedule, for example, when assignments or resource requests are created after you load the page, or if you have made a change in a different tab.
Assign Creates an assignment for the selected resource.
Compare Compare the top three resources in the Resource Schedule in the Compare Resources window.
Hold Holds the selected resource against the resource request.
Manage Schedule Opens a window to manage a resource's schedule.
Recenter Centers the view to the start date of the current resource request, or the scheduled start date when a resource is held or assigned. The current zoom level is maintained.
Save Saves any changes.
Unhold Unholds the selected resource from the resource request.
Zoom Changes the view between days, weeks, months, quarters, and years. The zoom level you set is saved between browser sessions. The default view is Weeks.


Field Description
Resource Name Name of the resource. The resource's role is displayed if present.

The resource’s avatar is displayed when provided. A default avatar is displayed when the resource’s avatar is not available.
Availability Availability of the resource.