Setting up Indirect Procurement Based on Categories

The Indirect Procurement Based on Categories feature enables users to make indirect purchases based on predefined categories. This section explains how to set up this feature in SCM.

Note: You must be signed in as the System Administrator to make the changes required to enable this feature.

Step 1: Assign Permissions

Ensure the permission sets below are assigned to the corresponding users.

Permission Sets

Permission Set Assign To
SCM - View Purchase Orders

Users who will need to view purchase order lines based on categories.

SCM - View Requisitions

Users who will need to view requisition lines based on categories.

SCM - Initiate Acquisitions

Users who will need to view, create, edit, clone, cancel, and delete purchase order lines based on categories.

SCM - Manage Items

Users who will view, create, edit, clone, and delete product groups. This includes marking product groups as categories so that they can be available for selection when creating purchase order lines or requisition lines based on categories.

SCM - Manage Requisitions

Users who will view, create, edit, clone, cancel, and delete requisition lines based on categories.

SCM - Manage Purchase Contracts Users who will view, create, edit, clone, cancel, and delete purchase contract lines based on categories.

For information about permissions sets and how to assign them, see:

Step 2: Assign Layouts to Record Types in the Required Profiles

Assign the layouts and object record types listed below to the profiles that you require.

Layouts and Record Types to Assign to Profiles

Object Layout

Record Type

Purchase Order Line Item Purchase Order Line Category Layout Category
Requisition Line Item Requisition Line Category Layout Category
Purchase Contract Line Purchase Contract Line Category Layout Category
Note: If you are using your own custom layouts, ensure you assign them to the record types indicated in the table above.

For more information, search for "Assign Record Types and Page Layouts in the Enhanced Profile User Interface" in the Salesforce Help.

Step 3: Add Fields to Layouts

You must manually add the field listed below to its corresponding page layout.

Fields to Add to Layouts

Object Layout

Fields to Add

  Product Group   Product Group Layout Category

Purchase Analysis Account for Category

Note: This field is only required if you have the Accounting Connector installed.
Note: If you are using your own custom layouts, ensure you add the Purchase Analysis Account for Category field to the corresponding layout for product groups.

We recommend that you also update the help text for the SCMC__Purchase_Analysis_Account__c field on the Product Group object with the new help text value introduced in Spring 2022.

Updates to SCMC__Purchase_Analysis_Account__c introduced in Spring 2022


Field API Name

Field Label


Help Text

Original Value

New Value

Original Value

New Value

Original Value

New Value

Product Group ( Accounting Connector) SCMC__Purchase_Analysis_Account__c Purchase Analysis Account Purchase Analysis Account for Product


The purchase analysis general ledger account assigned to the product related to this product group. When exporting AP vouchers to Accounting, this is the general ledger account used for AP voucher lines associated with purchase order lines with an item that relates to the product. None The purchase analysis general ledger account assigned to the product related to this product group. When exporting AP vouchers to Accounting, this is the general ledger account used for AP voucher lines associated with purchase order lines with an item that relates to the product.

For more information on how to add fields to layouts, search for "Customize Page Layouts with the Enhanced Page Layout Editor" in the Salesforce Help.

Step 4: Enable Feature Console Features

Note: The Feature Console features listed in this step might be already enabled. Additionally, they are only required under the circumstances indicated below. You can skip this step if you do not need to enable them.

Ensure the following Feature Console features are enabled.

Feature Console Features to Enable

Feature Console Feature Enabling Required Only If
SCM Indirect Procurement The Accounting Connector is installed and your users make use of it to produce journals in Accounting. For more information on how to enable this feature see, Purchase Accruals.
SCM Acquisition Process Enhancements Your users will use the Recurring Purchase Orders functionality for purchase orders with category lines. For more information on how to enable this feature see, Recurring Purchase Orders.