Accounting Task Launcher Overview

The Accounting Task Launcher enables you to easily find and launch your tasks from a single tab. The Accounting Task Launcher is divided into sections, each section containing related tasks. The Accounting task launcher is accessed from the task launcher tab .

Data Setup and Management

This is a section within the Accounting task launcher. You can access the Balance Configuration task, and the Create Years and Periods task from the Data Setup and Management section of the Accounting Task Launcher.

Balance Configuration

You can use the Balance Configuration modal to select which type of primary balance you want to be updated when transactions are created. For more information on balance configuration, see Accounting Task Launcher: Balance Configuration.

Switching the Primary Balance Type Mode Using the Accounting Task Launcher

There is an optional way to switch the primary balance type mode for updating balances. You can still use the existing Balance Configuration tab, and you also have the option to use the Accounting task launcher tab .

The Accounting Task Launcher enables you to easily find and launch your tasks from a single tab. The Accounting Task Launcher is divided into sections, each section containing related tasks.

Create Years and Periods for Multiple Companies

You can create years and periods for multiple companies simultaneously by clicking Create Years and Periods on the Accounting Task Launcher.

To create new financial years and periods from the Accounting Task Launcher:

  1. In the Accounting Task Launcher tab, navigate to the Data Setup and Management section.
  2. Click Create Years and Periods. There might be a delay loading companies while FinancialForce Accounting checks your permissions. If no companies are listed, check which companies you have access to, and whether you currently have them selected in the Multi-company tool.
  3. Select the checkboxes for the companies you wish to create a new year for. The start date for the new year is calculated automatically from the end date of each company’s previous year. If you select a company that has no previous years, you can enter the start date in the next step.
  4. Click next to to set up the criteria for the new years.
  5. Enter the year name, number of trading periods for the year, and the period calculation basis. Note the criteria you enter is applied to all selected companies. If you have companies with different criteria needed, such as the period calculation basis, these will need to be set up separately by repeating the process for these companies.
  6. If you want year names to include the company name, type {Company} on the Year Name field where relevant. The applicable company name will then be inserted when the year is created. For example, entering FF2021 {Company} will result in FF2021 FinancialForce UK being populated. (Note that Company is case sensitive, and needs to be entered with the C capitalized.)
  7. If any of the selected companies have no years, enter the start date to use for their first year. If you have no new companies to set a start date for, this field will not appear.
  8. Click Create to create the years and periods.

You are notified by email when the years and periods are created. You can view and edit a year and its related periods from the Year or Periods tab as applicable. Using this Multi-step tool also means the periods will be automatically calculated for your new years. You will not need to click Calculate Periods in the year record when they are created using this.

Permission Sets and User Companies

To access the Create Years and Periods wizard in the Accounting Task Launcher, you will need to have the following permissions assigned:

  • Accounting and Billing - Year - Calculate Period
  • Accounting and Billing - Year - Create

If no companies are displayed when opening the Multi-step tool, this can be for one of two reasons:

  • You must ensure the relevant companies have been assigned to your user profile, when creating companies and setting up the relevant User Companies.
  • Depending on your user profile, you might need to have the applicable companies selected in either Single or Multi-Company mode.

Run Year End Process for Multiple Companies

You can use the Run Year End Process for Multiple Companies task to run the year end process for multiple companies as a single batch job. For more information, see Running the Year End Process.

Managing Billing Document to Sales Invoice or Credit Note Mappings

You can use the Manage Billing Document to Sales Invoice Mappings action to view and customize the field-level mappings used for the Billing Document to Sales Invoice or Credit Note integration. For more information, see Billing Document to Sales Invoice or Credit Note Mappings.

Managing Scheduled Jobs

You can use the Manage Scheduled Jobs action to schedule background job executions, view existing scheduled jobs, and delete them. For more information, see Managing Scheduled Jobs.

Accounts Receivable Multi-Company Processes

This is a section within the Accounting Task launcher. You can access the Accounts Receivable Write-Off task, the Background Matching task and the Background Matching Scheduler task. All the tasks in this section are performed for multiple companies.

Accounts Receivable Write-Off Process

You can use the Accounts Receivables Write-Off process to automate the bulk creation and matching of journals for recording write-offs for sales invoices and billing document invoices. For more information about and running this process, see the Accounts Receivable Write-Off topic.

Background Matching

The background matching process is accessed from the Accounting Task Launcher tab when using Lightning. For more information on running this process, see the Running Background Matching topic. You can specify the default configuration for running Background Matching in the Default Information section of the Accounting Company record. See Company Fields for details.

Background Matching Scheduler

The background matching scheduler task is accessed from the Accounting Task Launcher tab when using Lightning. This allows you to configure a schedule to run background matching for multiple companies. For more information, see the Background Matching Scheduler topic.

Preparing Consolidated Financial Statements

This is a section within the Accounting task launcher. You can access the Update Hierarchy Reference Process from this section of the Accounting Task Launcher.

Updating Hierarchy References

Update Hierarchy Reference is an automated batch process that enables the Financial Report Builder to create consolidated reports. This process automatically populates the Hierarchy Reference field with the ID of the hierarchy record that is active on the transaction date. To run this process, specify the date range required. If there is no active hierarchy that coincides with the selected transaction date range, the transactions are skipped and the records are not updated.


Depending on the number of transactions you have in your org you might need to execute this process multiple times. You can execute this process multiple times for the same date range, only the empty hierarchy reference fields are updated each time the process is executed. The fields updated in previous executions are not overwritten.

To update the hierarchy references from the Accounting Task Launcher:

  1. In the Accounting Task Launcher tab, navigate to the Preparing Consolidated Financial Statements section.
  2. Click Update Hierarchy Reference Process, this opens the process window enabling you to specify the date range.
  3. Select the start date from which you want to populate the Hierarchy Reference Field.
  4. Select the end date.
  5. Ensure a valid date range is defined by the start and end dates then click Run to execute the process.