Setting up FinancialForce Alert Cards

This topic describes how to add the FF Alert Card component to a Lightning page that you have cloned from a FinancialForce workspace. For more information about the overall process, see Adding Customizable Lightning Components to FinancialForce Lightning Pages.

Note: You can set up color coding for numerical major KPI values so that an alert card changes color if its major KPI value is outside the default range.

To add a customizable alert card to a Lightning app page:

  1. From Setup, navigate to the Lightning App Builder.
  2. Edit the Lightning app page you want to add the component to.
  3. Click and drag the FF Alert Card component to the relevant part of the Lightning page layout. As you make changes to the component, the Lightning App Builder displays a preview of your updates.
  4. In the properties pane, complete the following information:
    1. Enter the API name of the object that you want to provide information for the component. For custom objects, include the relevant namespace, such as pse__Proj__c.
      Note: When adding a Salesforce object you must check to ensure it is supported. For more information, see Supported Objects in the User Interface API Developer Guide in the Salesforce Developers Help.
    2. Enter the API name of the list view that provides information for the component, such as Active_Projects_Forecasting.To specify the standard All list view for a FinancialForce custom object, include the relevant namespace, such as pse__All.
    3. [Optional] Enter a title for the count. If you leave the field blank, the name of the corresponding list view is displayed.
    4. [Optional] Enter a description.
  5. [Optional] Complete the following information for the major KPI:
    1. In the Major KPI field, do one of the following:
      • Leave the field blank to display a count of the records in the corresponding list view.
      • Enter the API name of the field that you want to provide the details for the major KPI, such as pse__Billed__c. The field type of this field must support the calculation type selected for the Major KPI. For more information on calculation and field type relationships, see FinancialForce Alert Card Calculation and Field Type Compatibility Matrix.
    2. If you entered a field name, select the major KPI calculation type. Available options are average, count, maximum, minimum, sum or unique.
      Note: The aggregate record or value displayed of each list view might vary as the calculation performed is based on each calculation type and the corresponding selected field types. For more information on field types, see FinancialForce Alert Card Field Types.
    3. [Optional] Enter a description. If you leave the field blank, the corresponding object or field label is displayed, depending on your settings.
    4. Select the color used to display the alert card if the major KPI value is within the default range.
    5. [Optional] To make the alert card change color if the major KPI value exceeds a specific value, enter the threshold value in the Major KPI Greater Than Threshold Value field and select the color you want to apply.
    6. [Optional] To make the alert card change color if the major KPI value is less than a specific value, enter the threshold value in the Major KPI Less Than Threshold Value field and select the color you want to apply.
  6. [Optional] Complete the following information for each minor KPI:
    1. Enter the API name of the field that provides the details for the minor KPI. For custom fields, include the relevant namespace, such as pse__Bookings__c. The field type of this field must support the calculation type selected for the minor KPI. For more information on calculation and field type relationships, see FinancialForce Alert Card Calculation and Field Type Compatibility Matrix.
    2. If you entered a field name, select the minor KPI calculation type. Available options are average, count, maximum, minimum, sum or unique.
      Note: The aggregate record or value displayed of each list view might vary as the calculation performed is based on each calculation type and the corresponding selected field types. For more information on supported field types, see FinancialForce Alert Card Field Types.
    3. [Optional] Enter a description for the minor KPI. If you leave the field blank, the corresponding field label is displayed.
  7. [Optional] Apply additional filter logic to display the information that meets your specific requirements.

    For more information on controlling component visibility, see the Salesforce Help.

  8. Save the page.