Using the PSA Contact Card

For information about the sections and fields on the contact card, see Contact Card Lightning Component Overview and Contact Card Lightning Component Fields.

Viewing Resource Details

To view a resource's details:

  1. Do any of the following:
  2. Review the sections and fields on the contact card.
  3. [Optional] Click the resource name hyperlink to view the contact’s record page.
  4. Select another resource from the Resource Grid or Resource Schedule to view their details on the contact card.

An administrator can also add the Contact Card component to the Contact Lightning record page. The resource details displayed relate to the current contact record.

Viewing Matching Skills, Certification, and Experience

The Matching Skills section of the contact card is only available when viewing the contact card from the Resource Request Lightning record page. To view a resource's matching skills, certifications, and experience:

  1. Select a resource on the Resource Request page.
  2. Filter on skills and certifications. See Using the PSA Resource Filter Lightning Component.
  3. Click Resource Details | Matching Skills to view details of the selected resource's skills and certifications that match the Resource Filter.
  4. [Optional] Click View Experience. For more information, see Managing Skills, Certifications, and Experience for Resources.

Modifying the Date Range

To modify the resource schedule date range for a resource:

  1. Select a resource.
  2. On the Resource Request page, click Resource Details | Resource Schedule.
  3. Click Edit Date Range.
  4. Change the values in the Start and End Date fields.
  5. Click Apply.
    Assignments and resource requests within the edited resource schedule date range are displayed on the Contact Card in the Resource Schedule for the selected resource.
    The following are updated:
    • Available Hours
    • Assigned Hours
    • Held Hours
  6. Click Reset to restore the original date range. For example:
    • The filter dates on the resource request page.
    • The earliest assignment or resource request start date, and the latest assignment or resource request end date on the Project Team Schedule.

When viewing the contact card from the Contact Lightning record page, the date range displayed is the contact's current working week, based on the week start day on their work calendar.