Timer Lightning Component Buttons and Fields

Here is a description of the buttons and fields on the PSA Timer Lightning component.


Name Description
Cancel Discards unsaved changes.
Delete Deletes the selected timer sessions.

Opens the Edit window to edit the selected timer session.

The selected timer session remains selected if you click Cancel in the Edit window.

The selected timer session is deselected if you click Save in the Edit window.

Enable Timecard Sync Enables timecard sync on the timer component.
Allows you to filter timer sessions by their start and end dates.
Hide Sessions Hides all timer sessions in the timer list view.
New Creates a new timer session event.
Resume Timer Resumes the timer session.
Save Saves the timer session event.
Save and New Saves the current timer session event and creates a new one.
Show sessions Shows all timer sessions in the timer list view.
Start Timer Starts the timer session.
Stop Timer Stops the currently running timer session.
Time Entry Navigates to the Time Entry Lighting component.


Descriptions of checkbox settings describe the selected (true) case.



Assignment The project assignment to record a timer session against.
Duration The duration of the timer session.
Duration (Hours) The duration of the timer session in hours.
End Date Time The end date and time for the timer session.
Is Running Indicates that the timer session event is currently running.
Notes Field where the user can enter daily notes.
Project The project to record a timer session against.
Project Task The project task to record a timer session against.
Start Date Time The start date and time for the timer session.
Sync to Timecard Indicates that the timer session is synced to the timecard.
Task Time Records time entered against project tasks and associates project tasks with timecards.
Timer Session Contextual information about what the user is logging time against and is the parent of the timer session event.
Timer Session Event The start and end date time that the timer was running for. This is a child of the timer session.
Timer Session Display Name An editable field that allows the user to customize the display name of the timer session.
Timer Session Event Name The ID of the timer session event.
Timer Session Name The ID of the timer session.
User The name of the user who created the timer session.