Balance Rules
Balance Rule is a tool that allows you to prepare and group data for reports. This data can later be specified in the report configurator as data for display.
An administrator can only view and access the rules. Typically they are set up once, summarize data for one year, and are copied from year to year. To set up a new type of report, you must create a new rule. Balance Rule works independently of each other and generates independent datasets.
Each rule, if necessary, launches an individual job that deletes the old balance report and generates new ones. You can launch batches in a series of several selected ones or all at once. For more information about folders and creating folders, see Folders .
Best Practices
- The balance rule acts as a job configurator. After starting the calculation, each rule creates one job. After that, each job creates a bunch of balances associated with the rule.
- Jobs automatically delete old data before creating new ones - no duplication occurs.
- When removing a balance rule, its balances are deleted by a trigger automatically.
- Before checking the data in a report, always ensure that all balance jobs are finished.
- You can use one report for several typical reports. Balances are also used to prepare data before exporting them to other software products. For example, integration from FinancialForce Reporting to FinancialForce Planning.