Recognize Revenue Fields

Here is a description of the user interface elements on the Recognize Revenue page.

Title Bar

Field Description
Select View List of available recognition views available to you. Views can be shared or restricted depending on permissions.


Button Description
Load Loads the selected shared recognition view.
Save View Saves the current set of filter criteria as a new shared recognition view.
Recognize All Runs revenue recognition for all currencies and all revenue streamsClosed Source object groups. Each source object group has a primary source object and up to three additional levels of related source objects. Typical revenue streams might be Projects, Billing Contracts, and Sales Invoices.. Read About Recognize All before you start the Recognize All process.

Source Object Tabs

Each hierarchical group of source objects has a separate tab on this page. See Choosing Your Source Objects for an explanation of source object hierarchies.

The current recognition view determines which source object tabs are displayed. Click the plus sign to open a source object tab not currently displayed. If no recognition view has been saved, all source object tabs are displayed by default. The plus sign is not displayed if all source object tabs are already open. If settings records have not yet been created, only the plus sign is displayed because there are no source object tabs to display.

Each source object tab has the toolbar and grid described below.


Button/Field Description
Select Filters Shows or hides the Filters panel. When the Filters panel is displayed, complete the filter criteria you want to use. See Filtering your Source Data for more details.
Create Data for Parallel Reporting?

This checkbox is included on the Filters panel. It is deselected by default, which means that records linked to revenue contracts are excluded from revenue recognition in this group because their revenue will be recognized on the revenue contract.

Select this checkbox if you want to run revenue recognition for source records linked to revenue contracts for the purpose of parallel reporting. Only source records that have a "Use in Revenue Contract" templateClosed A template that has the Use in Revenue Contract checkbox enabled. will be processed. These source records should be linked to performance obligations so that their revenue can be recognized as part of the revenue contract.  See About Parallel Reporting for more information.

Group All filterable fields on the primary object are available to use as grouping criteria. Apply grouping by dragging up to five criteria from the sidebar and placing them in the main panel. You can rearrange grouping criteria by dragging and dropping them within the main panel. Click 'x' to remove a grouping criteria, or click 'Clear group' to remove the whole set of criteria. See Grouping your Source Data for examples of how grouping works.
Recognition Date Date the application uses in its revenue recognition calculations. The date defaults from the recognition view (if available), otherwise it defaults to today. If you have selected a template of calculation type 445, Revenue Management checks that you have a corresponding period of the type 445/454/544. If you have selected a template of calculation type Months/Part Periods, or Months/Actuals Days in Part Periods, Revenue Management checks that you have a corresponding period of the type Month or Month End.
Currency Picklist of currencies on your Salesforce organization.
Generate Data Generates staging data for the selected group. Only source records that match the recognition date, currency and filter criteria are processed. Data is generated when the source object has been set up as a revenue source object, it is linked to a valid template, it is active and its start date is before the recognition date.
Data Preparation Panel If data has already been generated for this group, the date it was created is shown here. Click the link to load the existing data without generating afresh.
Submit Starts a process to create an "In Progress" or "Committed" revenue recognition transaction based on your current selection.


This grid area is hidden when you display the Filters or Grouping panel.

If grouping criteria have been applied, once you click to expand a grouped row, multiple tabs are displayed showing the original Grouping tab and separate tabs for each grouped row that has been expanded. You can close a tab by clicking its 'x' icon. Only some of the columns listed below are included on Grouping tabs; these are indicated by G in the key.

The values in this grid are displayed to the number of decimal places specified for the currency that was selected when you last clicked Generate Data. If you change the currency, the values in the grid are not updated until you generate data again.

Key: R – Read-only; G - Column is included on Grouping tabs

Column   Description
  An error will be displayed if there are any discrepancies between the source data and the data displayed on screen. Hover your mouse over the icon to read the error details.
Checkbox G Indicates whether or not the current line is selected. Only selected lines will be submitted.
This checkbox has three states:
The current line and all its children (if any) are selected.
The current line and none of its children (if any) are selected.
The current line and some of its children are selected.
G If grouping criteria have been applied, this icon is displayed on grouped rows. Click it to view the grouped records in a new tab.
  Hover your mouse over the icon to display a popup showing more detail about the selected line. Click the icon to display the Details Panel.
Elements R Displays a hierarchical list of source records retrieved.
Information R Further information about the source record. Often this is the account name but it can be any useful information.
Template R Displays the name of the related template.
Revenue G Contains one or more columns showing revenue amounts. You can rearrange the columns under Revenue but you cannot move them outside of Revenue. Use the icon that appears when you hover the cursor over the right-hand end of the column heading to show or hide columns under Revenue, or the whole Revenue column itself.
Total Revenue R Displays the total revenue amount from the source record. If this is null or 0, the value is calculated according to the revenue basis on the attached template.
Previously Recognized R Displays the previously recognized amount.
Recognize This Period   Displays the calculated amount to be recognized this period. You may be able edit this amount within validated boundaries. If you edit this amount then change your mind, right-click in the cell and choose Undo to undo your last edit, or Reset to go back to the calculated value. If an edited value cannot be saved for any reason it is set back to the calculated value and a message is displayed when you click Submit, giving you the opportunity to decide whether or not to proceed. A blue vertical bar in a cell indicates that the value has been edited but not yet submitted.
Total Recognized R Displays the sum of the amount previously recognized and the amount recognized this period.
Remaining Revenue R Displays the revenue amount that remains to be recognized.
Cost G Contains one or more columns showing cost amounts. You can rearrange the columns under Cost but you cannot move them outside of Cost. Use the icon that appears when you hover the cursor over the right-hand end of the column heading to show or hide columns under Cost, or the whole Cost column itself.
Total Cost R Displays the total cost amount from the source record. If this is null or 0, the value is calculated according to the cost basis on the attached template.
Previously Amortized R Displays the previously amortized amount.
Amortize This Period   Displays the calculated amount to be amortized this period. You may be able edit this amount within validated boundaries. If you edit this amount then change your mind, right-click in the cell and choose Undo to undo your last edit, or Reset to go back to the calculated value. If an edited value cannot be saved for any reason it is set back to the calculated value and a message is displayed when you click Submit, giving you the opportunity to decide whether or not to proceed. A blue vertical bar in a cell indicates that the value has been edited but not yet submitted.
Total Amortized R Displays the sum of the amount previously amortized and the amount amortized this period.
Remaining Cost R Displays the cost amount that remains to be amortized.

Hover over a column heading and an arrow appears. Click the arrow to change how data in the column is sorted (in ascending or descending order) and to select which columns are displayed on screen. To revert to the default column layout, choose Reset Layout.

A Totals row is displayed below the grid showing the total values for all records (not the totals of selected records) in the Revenue and Cost columns. When viewing a hierarchy of records, values of child records are not double counted in the Totals row.