Managing Custom Settings

Many areas of FinancialForce Revenue Management are controlled by custom settings. You must be signed in with administrator permissions to manage these custom settings.

To manage the Revenue Management custom setting fields:

  1. Navigate to Setup | Custom Code | Custom Settings.
  2. Click Manage next to the group of custom settings you want to modify.
  3. Click New.
  4. Add or change data as required.
  5. Click Save.

See the Salesforce Help for more information.

Revenue Management Settings

Key: OL - This setting is read from the organization level

Custom Setting   Description

Default Value

Actuals Template OL Indicates the API name of the actuals revenue template. ffrrtemplate__c
Actual vs Forecast Category   The category of forecast values that are included in Actual vs Forecast records. You can create forecast values in other categories (e.g. for reporting purposes) but those values will not be included in Actual vs Forecast records. Expected
Create Actual vs Forecast in real time  

When selected, Actual vs Forecast records are created automatically when an Actual or Forecast transaction is created and saved. If deselected, you must use the Manage Actual Vs Forecast page to maintain Actual vs Forecast records.


You can only work with Actual vs Forecast records if the setting Use Actual vs Forecast Feature is selected.

Create Transaction Summaries on Commit   Enables the automatic generation of revenue transaction summary records on commit. False
Delete Old Revenue Schedule Async Logs  

Controls whether process logs generated by previous asynchronous revenue schedule processes are deleted when the latest process completes.

Disable Generate Schedules for Contracts   Disables revenue schedules from being generated automatically when revenue contracts are created asynchronously. When deselected, revenue schedules are generated automatically when revenue contracts are created asynchronously. False
Disable Period Validation   Disables the validation and auto-complete associated with the Period field when saving or committing revenue recognition transactions. When selected, the Period and Recognition Period fields are editable on "In Progress" and "Committed" revenue recognition transactions. False
Disable populateFromSourceRecords calls   If your org has a customization calling the RevenueContractService.populateFromSourceRecords service, you can select this checkbox to temporarily disable the service. This might be useful if you need to debug your customization. Refer to the Revenue Management API Developer's Reference for more information about this service. False
Disable Synchronize Revenue Schedules OL

When selected, the bulk synchronize process generates revenue schedules but does not delete obsolete revenue schedules. A revenue schedule is obsolete when its source record is unavailable because it has been deleted, is no longer active for revenue recognition, or it has had its recognition template removed. If obsolete revenue schedules are not removed, they can affect your data. You must therefore run the Delete Schedules Where Source Unavailable process manually to ensure that obsolete revenue schedules do not accumulate. For more information, see Deleting Obsolete Revenue Schedules.


By default this field is deselected, meaning that obsolete revenue schedules are deleted by the bulk synchronize process.

Enable Opportunity Product Mirror  

Enables the synchronization between the Opportunity Product object and the Opportunity Product Mirror object. Deselect the checkbox to disable the related triggers.


Do not select this field unless you are using the Opportunity Product Mirror object. From Spring 2021 you can use Salesforce's Opportunity Product directly as a source object without needing to use Opportunity Product Mirror. If you select this field even though you are not using Opportunity Product Mirror, there will be a performance impact.

DEPRECATED: Enable Revenue Schedules Recognition   This field is deprecated.  
Forecast Template OL Indicates the API name of the forecast revenue template. ffrrtemplate__c
Global Opening Balance Cutoff Date OL The date used as the opening balance date for revenue schedules if an Opening Balance Cutoff Date is not specified on the source record. If no cutoff date is set on the source record and this global field is blank, the source record's start date is used. For more information, see Opening Balances for Revenue Schedules. If the Recognize Revenue Schedules feature is enabled, one of the feature steps sets this field to the date the feature step was performed.
Revenue Contract Source Record Lookup OL

Indicates the API name of the field on the Revenue Contract object that looks up to the contract's source record.

This is used when creating a revenue contract from the API. For more information, see Creating Revenue Contracts Using the API.


If you create revenue contracts from engagements, you must not change the default value.

Use Actual vs Forecast Feature   When selected, the Actual vs Forecast functionality is available for use. Actual vs Forecast records can be created automatically by selecting the setting Create Actual vs Forecast in real time, or manually using the Manage Actual Vs Forecast page. False

Revenue Management Transaction Settings

Custom Setting Description

Default Value

Source Record Limit per Transaction The maximum number of source records for which RRT Lines will be created on a revenue recognition transaction before a new transaction is created. The default of 5000 source records means a maximum of 10000 RRT lines. 5000

Revenue Management Batch Settings

Note that the 'Batch Size' settings set the number of records per batch, but a batch job may handle multiple batches. For example, if there are 100 records to process and you set a 'Batch Size' of 50, the batch job will process two batches each with 50 records.

Key: S – Relates to the staging tables introduced in Revenue Management V3.3.

Custom Setting   Description

Default Value

Actuals Old Staging Batch Size   This setting applies to the staging tables used by Revenue Management prior to V3.3. The number of source/staging records to be processed/deleted per batch processed. 1000
Actuals Transaction Commit Batch Size   The number of revenue recognition transactions committed per batch processed. The default of 1 means that each transaction is processed in a separate batch, so if a transaction fails it does not prevent other transactions from being committed. 1
Actuals Transaction Save Batch Size   The number of source records for which revenue recognition transaction lines are created per batch processed. 500
Actuals Transaction Summary Batch Size  

The number of revenue recognition transactions summarized per batch processed. The default of 1 means that each transaction is processed in a separate batch, so if a transaction fails it does not prevent other transactions from being summarized.


The asynchronous process that summarizes revenue recognition transactions created by the Recognize Schedules process does not use this field. Instead it uses Schedules Transaction Summary Batch Size.

Actual vs Forecast Actuals Batch Size   The number of committed revenue recognition transaction lines per batch processed for which Actual vs. Forecast Lines will be created. 200
Actual vs Forecast Delete Batch Size   The number of Actual vs. Forecast Lines deleted per batch processed. 1000
Actuals vs Forecast Forecast Batch Size   The number of revenue forecast transaction lines per batch processed for which Actual vs. Forecast Lines will be created. 200
RRTs for Journal Creation Batch Size  

The number of Revenue Recognition Transactions per batch processed when creating FinancialForce Accounting journals.


The asynchronous process that creates Accounting journals from revenue recognition transactions created by the Recognize Schedules process does not use this field. Instead it uses Schedules Create Journals Batch Size.

Forecast Draft Transaction Delete Batch   Adjusts the batch size used when deleting draft forecasts. 50
Forecast Transaction Save Batch Size   Adjusts the batch size used in the forecast revenue transaction save process. 200
Generate Forecasts Batch Size   Adjusts the batch size used when generating forecast values. 200
Grouping BTC Delete Batch Size S The number of batch tracking control records with Action 'Create Grouping' that will be deleted per batch. 1000
Grouping Create Batch Size S The number of staging records that will be processed per batch to create grouping summaries. 1000
Grouping Create Synchronous Limit S The maximum number of staging records that will be processed synchronously to create grouping summaries. 3000
Grouping Delete Synchronous Limit S The maximum number of grouping records that can be deleted synchronously. 2000
Grouping Summary Delete Batch Size S The number of grouping summary records that will be deleted per batch. 1000
Manage RC - Send Email Notification   Controls whether email notifications are sent after creating or updating revenue contracts asynchronously (in the background). True
Manage RC Batch Size   The maximum number of source records processed in a single batch when creating or updating a revenue contract asynchronously (in the background). 500
Manage RC Synchronous Limit  

The maximum number of source records that can be processed synchronously when creating or updating a revenue contract. If the number of source records is equal to or greater than the value in this field, the process runs asynchronously (in the background).

Opportunity Product Mirror Batch Size  

The number of opportunity product records for which opportunity product mirror records will be created or updated per batch processed.


This field is only relevant if you are using the Opportunity Product Mirror object.

Opportunity Product Scheduler Date  

The date-time the create/update schedule begins to pick up records. The delete schedule picks up records before this date-time. This date-time is automatically set to the date-time the previous Opportunity Product Mirror batch process started, but you can adjust it.


This field is only relevant if you are using the Opportunity Product Mirror object.

Opp Product Mirror Delete Batch Size  

The number of opportunity product mirror records to be deleted per batch processed.


This field is only relevant if you are using the Opportunity Product Mirror object.

Process Control Delete Batch Size S

The number of process control records that will be deleted per batch processed when running the Staging Delete batch process.

Run True-Up All on Included Records Only   Controls whether Deferred Revenue True-Up All only processes source records if their Include in True-Up flag is true. When deselected, Deferred Revenue True-Up All processes all source records linked to valid settings regardless of their Include in True-Up flag, and creates a log line for each source record. False
Scheduled True-Up Creates Committed RRTs   Controls whether scheduled True-Up jobs create revenue recognition transactions with the status "Committed" or "In Progress". When deselected, they are created as "In Progress". Other true-up processes use this flag to set their default behavior but it can be changed at runtime. False
Schedule Lines Recognition Batch Size   The number of source Revenue Schedule Lines per batch processed for revenue recognition. However if a lower value is set for Source Record Limit per Transaction, that value applies. 2000
Schedules Create Journals Batch Size   This field is used by the asynchronous process that creates FinancialForce Accounting journals from revenue recognition transactions created by the Recognize Schedules process and summaries created from those transactions. It controls the number of transactions/summaries processed per batch. 1
Schedules Transaction Summary Batch Size   This field is used by the asynchronous process that summarizes revenue recognition transactions created by the Recognize Schedules process. It controls the number of transactions summarized per batch processed. 4
Staging BTC Delete Batch Size S The number of batch tracking control records with Action 'Create Staging' that will be deleted per batch. 1000
Staging Create Batch Size S The number of records that will be processed per batch to create the staging data. 1000
Staging Create Synchronous Limit S The maximum number of source records that can be processed synchronously. If the number of records is equal to or greater than this setting, they are processed asynchronously (via Batch Apex). 1000
Staging Delete Synchronous Limit S The maximum number of staging records and grouping records that can be deleted synchronously. If the number of records to delete is equal to or greater than this setting, they are deleted asynchronously (via Batch Apex). 1000
Staging Detail Delete Batch Size S The number of staging detail records that will be deleted per batch. 1000
Staging Save Batch Size S The number of staging records that will be processed per batch to create revenue recognition transactions. 1000
Staging Save Synchronous Limit S The maximum number of staging records that can be saved synchronously. If the number of records is equal to or greater than this setting, they are saved asynchronously (via Batch Apex). 500
Staging Summary Delete Batch Size S The number of staging summary records that will be deleted per batch. 600
Staging Version Delete Batch Size S The number of staging version records that will be deleted per batch. 1000
Transfer Prev. Recognized Batch Size   The number of performance obligation line items that will be processed per batch when the Transfer Previously Recognized process runs. This process transfers previously recognized amounts from source records to their corresponding performance obligations. 1000

Revenue Management Staging Settings

Key: S – Relates to the new staging tables introduced in Revenue Management V3.3.

Custom Setting   Description

Default Value

Disable Automatic Delete S

Controls whether previous versions of data in the staging tables are deleted when a new version is created. When deselected, old data is deleted automatically when you generate new data. A version of staging data is not deleted if any processes that use it are still running.

Note that when using the Recognize All process, staging data is deleted as soon as the process completes, not the next time you run the process.

Last Delete Date S The last time the Staging Delete process ran for the current user. The next time the Staging Delete process runs for this user, only records after this date will be deleted. You can adjust this date or clear it altogether to have the next Staging Delete process delete all data for the current user regardless of date.