Calculating Tax on an Invoice or AP Voucher

To calculate tax on an invoice or AP voucher, click Calculate Tax. This creates the document in the 'Saved' state in Avalara. While in the 'Saved' state you can recalculate tax if something changes on the invoice or AP voucher. Avalara has a multiple stage commit process. Once the tax is 'Saved' you can post it in Avalara. To post tax in Avalara, click Post.

  • To calculate tax on an AP Voucher, that AP voucher must have a status of "Matched", an export status of "New", and have no export errors on the Export Error field.
  • To calculate tax on an invoice, that invoice must have an export status of "New" and have no export errors on the Export Error field.

Once the tax is posted, you can commit it. Once tax is committed you cannot change it. To commit tax in Avalara, click Commit.