Service Contract Line Fields

Here is a description of the fields on a service contract line.

Key: * – Mandatory field; R – Read-only ; F – If the service contract to which the line belongs is a flexible term service contractClosed See Flex Contract, you can enter a different number of terms for each service contract line on that service contract. This means that each line can start and end on different dates; S – only exists if SCM Service Contracts is installed on your organization.

Field   Description
Billed Through   Date up to which the customer has been billed for the contract line. The date is determined by the date of the last invoice after the billing engine runs.
Contract Gross Profit   Total Contract Value minus Total Contract Cost.
Delivery Method   Determines the means by which the item is to be delivered. The value of this field can be included on an invoice for tax calculation purposes.
Last Invoice Date   Date on which the last invoice was generated.
Last Invoice Generation   Last date on which the billing engine ran and created an invoice for the contract line.
Monthly Recurring Revenue   Monthly revenue for the service contract line. This is calculated by subtracting the Annual Contract Value from the Total Contract Value and dividing the result by 12.
Next Invoice Date   Next date on which an invoice is to be generated. If the Next Invoice Date field on a flexible term service contract line contains a date, this is the date that is used to determine whether the line appears on an invoice when the billing engine runs. If the Next Invoice Date field on a flexible term service contract line is empty when the billing engine runs, the service contract line start date is used to determine whether that line appears on an invoice.
Next Invoice Generation   Next date on which the billing engine is to run and create an invoice for the contract.
Price Type   The price type that the selected service contract line item is assigned to.
Product or Service * The item masterClosed The record of a product or a service which is to be sold and/or stocked in a warehouse. An item master might also be referred to as a Stock Keeping Unit (SKU). to which the service contract line relates. You must enter an item master in this field to create a service contract line.

You can add a service contract line option to a service contract line. You do not need an item master for a service contract line option.

Product or Service Description   Description of the product or service from the item master.
Quantity   Number of the item included on the service contract line.
RC Terms   Number of days or months that make up the a single contract term. For instance, if the Service Term is Annual, the value of this field is 12. This indicates that a single contract term is 12 months.
Remaining Contract Value   Remaining value of the contract to be billed.
Service Contract   The service contract to which the service contract line relates.
Service Contract Line Active Date   Date on which the service contract associated with this contract line was activated.
Service Contract Line Approved Date   Date on which the service contract associated with this contract line was approved.
Service Contract Line End Date F End date of the service contract line. If the service contract to which the line belongs is not a flexible term service contract, this date is set to the Service Contract End Date of that service contract.
Service Contract Line Name   ID of the service contract line.
Service Contract Line Start Date F Start date of the service contract line. If the service contract to which the line belongs is not a flexible term service contract, this date is set to the Service Contract Start Date of that service contract.
Service Term F Service term record that determines the number of days or months in one service term for this service contract line.
Status   Status of the service contract line.
Supplier Site   Supplier site from which to source the item
Terms F The number of service terms applied to this service contract line.
Total Additional Charges   Total additional charges applied to the service contract line.
Total Contract Cost   Total cost of the contract line. This replaces the previous Total Contract Cost field.
Total Contract Value   Total contract value of the line with options and changes incorporated. This replaces the previous Total Contract Value field.
Total Contract Value After Waived Terms   Total Contract Value minus Waived Term Fees.
Total RC Base Fees x Terms   This field is used in service contract calculations. The formula for this field is: (RC Ext. * RC Terms) * Terms.
Total RC Option Fees x Terms   This field is used in service contract calculations. The formula for this field is: (RC Total Option * RC Terms) * Terms.
Total RC Discount Fees x Terms   This field is used in service contract calculations. The formula for this field is: ((Ext. RC with Options - Ext. RC with Options After Discounts) * RC Terms) * Terms.
Deprecated Total Contract Cost   This field is no longer used.
Deprecated Total Contract Value   This field is no longer used.
Warehouse   Enables you to specify a ship from address for taxation purposes. The default value is set from the Warehouse field on the parent service contract.

The warehouse field on service contracts and service contract lines is not used to ship anything, it is for taxation purposes only.

Recurring Fees

Here is a description of the fields associated with recurring fees on a service contract line.

Field   Description
First Term RC Discount   Amount of discount applied to the first recurring service term.
Last Term RC Discount   The amount of discount applied to the last recurring service term.
RC After Discount   RC Base after discounts applied including those on change request lines.
RCClosed Recurring Contract Base   The recurring base fees to charge to the customer.
RC Discounted %   Percentage discount applied to the RC Base including change request lines.
RC Ext.Closed Used in SCM as an abbreviation of the word extended. In SCM, the term extended is used to represent an amount that represents the quantity of the items on a line such as a customer quotation line.   Total recurring extended cost to the customer before any discount is applied.
RC Ext. After Discount   Total recurring extended cost to the customer after the discounts are applied.
RC Options After Discounts   Current recurring fees for options after discounts. This incorporates the change request lines.
RC w/Options   RC Base plus RC Ext from the service contract line options including change request lines.
RC w/Options After Discounts   RC Base plus RC Ext from the service contract line options including change request lines minus discounts.
RC Discounted   Amount of recurring discount applied to the RC Base including change request lines.
RC Option   Current recurring fees from the RC Ext field on service contract line options including those on change request lines.
Term Value   Value of the service contract line for a single term.
Total First Term RC Contract Value   Total recurring fees minus discounts for the first service term.
Total Last Term RC Contract Value   The total recurring fees minus discounts for the last service term.

Non Recurring Fees

Here is a description of the fields associated with non recurring fees on a service contract line.

Field   Description
NRC After Discount   NRC Base after discounts applied including those on change request lines.
NRCClosed Non Recurring Contract Base   The non recurring base fees to charge to the customer.
NRC Contract Value   Current non recurring contract value including change request lines.
NRC Discounted %   Percentage discount applied to the NRC Base including change request lines.
NRC Ext.Closed Used in SCM as an abbreviation of the word extended. In SCM, the term extended is used to represent an amount that represents the quantity of the items on a line such as a customer quotation line.   Total non recurring extended cost to the customer before any discount is applied.
NRC Ext. After Discount   Total non recurring extended cost to the customer after the discounts are applied.
NRC Invoiced   Non recurring amount invoiced.
NRC Options After Discounts   Current non recurring fees for options after discounts. This incorporates the change request lines.
NRC Options Invoiced   Current non recurring fees on service contract line options billed to date.
NRC w/Options   NRC Base plus NRC Ext from the service contract line options including change request lines.
NRC w/Options After Discounts   NRC Base plus NRC Ext from the service contract line options including change request lines minus discounts.
NRC Discounted   Amount of non recurring discount applied to the NRC Base including change request lines.
NRC Options   Current non recurring fees from the NRC Ext field on service contract line options including those on change request lines.
NRC Type   Indicates whether the non recurring fees on the service contract line are for time or material.
Total NRC Invoiced   Current non recurring fees billed to date including those on service contract line options.
Total NRC Not Invoiced   Current non recurring fees which have not yet been billed including those on service contract line options.

Contract Line Cost

Here is a description of the fields associated with service contract costs on a service contract line.

Field   Description
Item Cost   Current Supplier price for the item.
NRC Total Option Cost   Total non recurring item cost for all service contract line options.
Item Cost W/Options   Total non recurring item cost for all service contract line options.
Ext. Item Cost   Extended item cost. The quantity multiplied by the non recurring item cost for each contract line option.
RC Cost   Recurring Cost
RC Total Option Cost   Total recurring item cost for all service contract line options.
RC Cost W/Options   Total recurring item cost for all service contract line options.
Term Cost   The quantity multiplied by the recurring cost multiplied by the service term breakdown value, which is a number of months or days.
Total First RC Term Cost   Total recurring costs for all options in the first term of the contract.
Total Last RC Term Cost   Total recurring costs for all options in the last term of the contract.
Deprecated Ext. Term Cost   This field is no longer used.