Creating Multiple Sales Invoices and Credit Notes from Billing Events

To create sales invoices and credit notes from multiple eligible billing events at the same time:

  1. Click the Billing Events tab.
  2. Select the billing events that you want to create sales invoices and credit notes from.
  3. Click Create Invoices/Credits. If you are running the integration in enhanced mode, eligible billing events display as ready for processing. Billing events that are not eligible contain a description of the error and are not processed.
  4. Click Create or Continue. The process starts in the background.
  5. [Optional] If you are running SRP in enhanced modeClosed When SRP runs in enhanced mode, it uses the improved mechanism introduced starting with Spring 2021. This includes better flow execution performance and a modern user experience. Enhanced mode is enabled when the Run Integration in Enhanced Mode field in the SRP Integration Settings custom setting is selected., click View process run to open the related process run record. The process run contains the number of successfully processed records, the number of errors, and log entries for each record that was processed.

You are notified by email once the process finishes. The email contains a summary of the process run and a direct link to the process run record. The email is also sent to any additional email addresses defined by your administrator. For more information, see Additional Notification Recipients.


If you are running SRP in legacy modeClosed When SRP runs in legacy mode, it uses the older mechanism that were introduced before Spring 2021. Some features and modern user experience components aren't available in legacy mode. Legacy mode is enabled when the Run Integration in Enhanced Mode field in the SRP Integration Settings custom setting is deselected., additional email notifications are sent to a single email address defined by your administrator. For more information, see BE Additional Email Destination (Legacy).