Reverting Billing Data for Invoiced Billing Events

You might need to cancel a sales invoice that was incorrectly created or rectify a sales invoice that is disputed by a customer. With SRP installed, you must consider both the Accounting documents and the PSA business records that they were created from.

In PSA, this means that you would typically want to delete the billing event and revert the business records (timecard splits, expenses, milestones, miscellaneous adjustments, and budgets) to a state where they can be billed again. This process is known as reverting billing data. For more information, see Services Billing Overview and Reverting Billing.

In Accounting, this means that you must discard or cancel the sales invoice or credit note. For more information, see the following:

In some cases, SRP automatically processes the Accounting documents when you revert billing data in PSA. The table below provides more information.

Scenarios When Reverting Billing Data Automatically Processes Accounting Documents


Automatic Processing in Accounting

The billing event is linked to a sales invoice with the status of "In Progress". The sales invoice is discarded.
The billing event is linked to a sales invoice with the status of "Complete". A matching credit note is created for the sales invoice.
The billing event is linked to a sales credit note with the status of "In Progress". The sales credit note is discarded.
The billing event is linked to a sales credit note with the status of "Complete". A matching invoice is created for the sales credit note.
The billing event is not linked to any Accounting documents. No additional processing is done by SRP.

In all other cases, you must manually resolve the issues in Accounting before you can revert billing data. The steps to resolve the issue depend on the specific case. In general, ensure that:

  • Any documents that have not been posted are discarded. This removes the line items and prevents the document from being posted by accident.
  • Any documents that have been posted are canceled by an opposite document. For example, each invoice must be canceled out by a credit note, and vice-versa. This creates a transaction that cancels out the original transaction.
  • When the Allow Delete Without Validation field is selected on the billing event, any Accounting documents linked to the billing event are not automatically processed. Only select this field when you intend to manually resolve the issues in Accounting.
  • To perform these steps below, you must have a single currently selected Accounting company. For more information, see Setting your Current Company.

You can only perform the steps below in Lightning Experience and using the Revert Billing actions. The Clear Billing Data buttons are no longer supported. If you use the Clear Billing Data buttons, SRP doesn't perform any additional processing and the Accounting documents are not updated.