Loading Chart of Accounts and Mappings with Datastream
Setting up a Chart of Accounts
If a chart of accounts is not already set up in your org, you can import a chart of accounts for your chosen localization, and a corporate chart of accounts. Corresponding mappings are also available.
In order to make it easier for you to set up your org, the following chart of accounts and mappings sample templates can be imported using Datastream:
- Corporate
- France
- Sample
- Spain
To use this functionality, you must download the Chart of Accounts and Mappings Templates Excel (XLSX) file from here, and have Datastream installed and configured. For more information, see Datastream Overview.
Updating a Chart of Accounts
If a chart of accounts is already set up in your org, you can update the details of any existing GLAs with Datastream. You must use the Datastream Template Update of GLA Hierarchy (XLSX) Excel file. You can download the template here. You can find the steps in the Instructions tab of the file.
You need the ID of the records that you want to modify for the update. To find the ID:
- Open the GLA record in your org.
- Check the URL: https://xxx.com/lightning/r/c2g__codaGeneralLedgerAccount__c/x0xXx000000xxXXXX/view
For this example, enter x0xXx000000xxXXXX.
We recommend these steps to get the ID of a small number of records. For a high volume of GLAs, we recommend that you use Data Export. For more information about Data Export, see the Salesforce Help.