Billing Management Workspace

The Billing Management workspace contains the following components:

  • Navigation Pane
  • Alerts
  • Counts
  • Chart
  • List View

The Navigation pane provides links to navigate to the most frequently accessed pages that are relevant to your role.


Alerts provide you with information to highlight important details about your Contracts and Billing documents. To display a list of detailed records specific to each alert, click View Details.

The following alerts are available from the Billing Management workspace.

Name Description

View Details

Unbilled Contracts and Contract Lines

The total number of Active Contracts which contain Contract Lines with Billing Schedules not having Billing Documents that are 'Complete'.

Displays the filtered Billing schedules list view.

Note: Only contracts with billing schedules are included.
Billing Documents Overdue The count of Billing Documents that are unpaid or part-paid with a due date earlier than today. Displays the total value of all overdue Billing Documents. Displays a list view of your Billing Documents that are overdue for payment.
Contracts Due for Renewal The count of active Contracts due for renewal in the next 3 months. Displays the Total Contract Value (TCV) for all Contracts which have an end date in the next 3 months. Displays a list view of all the Contracts due for renewal in the next 3 months.

Your administrator can customize the Contracts Due for Renewal, Billing Documents Overdue alert cards using the Lightning App Builder, for more information, see Setting up Certinia Alert Cards.


Counts summarize the number of records found on corresponding list views that are relevant for the Billing Management workspace. Counts enable you to quickly access related content. To display a list view of detailed records specific to each count, click the count.

The following counts are available from the Billing Management workspace.

Count Description List View
Contracts Ending This Month

The count of Active Contracts where end date is in the current month.

Displays the list of Contracts due for renewal in the current month.

Draft Billing Documents

The count of Billing Documents with the status of Draft.

Displays the list of draft Billing Documents.
Unpaid Billing Documents The count of Billing Documents where Payment Status is paid or part paid. Displays the list of unpaid Billing Documents.

Your administrator can customize the Contracts Ending This Month, Draft Billing Documents, Unpaid Billing Documents count cards using the Lightning App Builder. For more information, see Setting up Certinia Count Cards.


The Projected Billings Report Chart displays the value of your Contracts and Contract Line Items with Billing Schedules, summarizing the value of your billings by month and year.

Click View Report to display a list of the Projected Billings by month and year.

List View

The Future Dated Billing Documents list view displays a list of Billing Documents that have a future Document Date.