New Features and Enhancements in Certinia Help Spring 2023

The following new features have been introduced in the Spring 2023 release of Certinia Help.

If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading to Certinia Help Spring 2023. This provides a summary of the items that have been added for each feature and details of any required upgrade steps.

Permission Set Group

Following the rebranding, the permission set group Certinia Group - CSC - Customer Success Manager has been renamed to Certinia - CSC - Customer Success Manager. For more information, see Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation.

Deprecated Items

We have deprecated the Playbook Source object and its fields and will remove it in a future release. We have replaced it with the Source object, which links the record created from a playbook, success plan, or objective template to the template record it was created from. For more information, see Playbook Source Fields.

We have updated the CSC - Customer Success permission set by removing the required permissions to use the Playbook Source object following its deprecation. For more information, see Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation.

Source Object

We have replaced the deprecated Playbook Source object with the Source object, which links the record created from a playbook, success plan, or objective template to the template record it was created from. This is to replace the deprecated Playbook Source object.

The following fields have been added to the Source object:

  • Objective
  • Objective Source
  • Playbook
  • Playbook Source
  • Success Plan
  • Success Plan Source

These fields represent the record created from the template record, and the template record used to create the new record. For more information, see Source Fields.

CS Cloud Analytics

The Playbooks dataset now uses the new Source object instead of the deprecated Playbook Source object to display the data in the Customer Success Manager dashboard. To support this, we’ve updated the CSC Analytics Integration User permission set to remove access to the Playbook Source object, and its fields. Instead, we have updated the permission set to provide read access to the Playbook Source object. For more information, see Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation.

We have added the Playbook Source Is Template output field to the Playbooks dataset to indicate whether the playbook source used to create the playbook is a template.

The following fields have been renamed to make it clear which source record each field refers to:

  • Source Template ID renamed to Playbook Source ID.
  • Source Template Name renamed to Playbook Source Name.
  • Template renamed to Playbook Is Template.

For more information, see CS Cloud Analytics Data Reference

Create Playbook from Template

The Account field now auto-populates when creating a playbook from a success plan or objective record page, using the account associated with the record you are currently viewing.

Now, when you clone a playbook, resources assigned to the playbook tasks on the original playbook are no longer assigned to the cloned tasks on the new playbook. This streamlines assigning tasks to the appropriate resources after cloning playbooks.

We have added the Duration (Days) field to the Playbook Task object, which enables you to see the duration of each playbook task. The Duration (Days) field also displays in the table when creating a playbook from template.

For more information, see the following topics:

We have updated the CSC - Customer Success permission set to include the appropriate permissions to the Duration (Days) field. For more information, see Permission Sets and Other Technical Documentation.

KPI Cards on the Customer Success Workspace

We have added the new Owner is Current User field to the following objects:

  • Objective
  • Playbook
  • Success Plan

The Owner is Current User field is used to identify if the logged in user is the same as the objective, playbook, or success plan owner. This enables you to see all of the records you are assigned the owner of, regardless of whether you created the record. You can use the KPI cards on the Customer Success workspace to see the list views containing all of the records you are assigned the owner of.

The Flagged Tasks list view now displays a list of all flagged tasks, enabling you to identify all of the tasks that require further attention.

For more information, see the following topics:

Create Success Plan from Template

We have added the new Create Success Plan from Template option to the Create Success Plan action link on the following components:

  • CSC Actions: Record Pages
  • CSC Workspace Actions

This option enables you to create success plans from templates using the workspace or record pages. For more information, see Creating a Success Plan.

We have also created the following list views to enable you to see all of the success plan and objective templates:

  • All Success Plan Templates
  • All Objective Templates

Enhanced User Experience

Now, when a playbook task has been pinned, the pinned icon displays on the task on the calendars. This helps you to identify which tasks you have pinned for further attention. You can also click Cog icon when viewing tasks in the calendars agenda view to display the tasks by day, week, month, or year. For more information, see Using the Calendars.

You can now update the playbook associated with a task directly in the Playbook Task Portfolio calendar and Playbook Task Portfolio grid , enabling you to update the playbook associated with the task more efficiently.

You can use the Add button on the Playbook Task Manager scheduler and kanban views to open the Edit Task window, enabling you to create a new task quickly in all three views. For more information, see Using the Playbook Task Manager.


Fixes are listed on the Known Issues page of the Certinia Community. You can access this page from the Community Support Hub. For a brief description of the issues that have been fixed in this version of Certinia Help, see the relevant section of the Known Issues page.