New Features and Enhancements in Engagement Analytics Spring 2023

The following new features have been introduced in the Spring 2023 release of Engagement Analytics.

If you are upgrading from a previous version, see Upgrading to Engagement Analytics Spring 2023. This provides a summary of the items that have been added for each feature and details of any required upgrade steps.

Enhancements to the Deferred Revenue Reporting Dashboard

We have introduced several enhancements to the Deferred Revenue Reporting dashboard to improve the experience when using the dashboard.

For more information about using the dashboard, see Using the Deferred Revenue Reporting Dashboard.

Recognized Revenue and Deferred Revenue Chart

We have added a new chart to the Summary tab of the dashboard to view historical and current data and forward-looking data of your recognized revenue and deferred revenue grouped by period according to your selected filter criteria.

Revenue Forecast Values Instead of Estimates Versus Actuals

The Deferred Revenue Reporting Transactions dataset now contains data from the Revenue Forecast dataset instead of the estimates versus actuals values from the Project Reporting dataset. This means that the Waterfall tab and the Recognized Revenue and Deferred Revenue chart on the Summary tab of the dashboard now display future revenue from the revenue forecast. By default, the live revenue forecast version is used. You can change the version using the Forecast Version drop-down selector.

Improved User Experience

We have changed the global date range filter in the dashboard. By default, the dashboard now displays all the data available in the datasets. You can use the date range filter to focus on the period that you are interested in.

We have also included two new columns in the Revenue Transactions and Billing charts to display the recognized and billed amounts respectively in the project currency and the corporate currency. In the Waterfall chart, we have added a selector that enables you to switch between displaying the data in the corporate or the project currency.

We have also made several minor changes to the interface to help you better understand each value in the dashboard.

Consolidated Engagement Analytics Recipe

We have consolidated the Engagement Analytics and Deferred Revenue Reporting recipes into a single recipe named Engagement Analytics. This increases the speed of syncing data from your org and enables you to easily see how the data is processed for all Engagement Analytics datasets in a single view.