Upgrading to Engagement Analytics Spring 2023

This page describes the changes to make when upgrading to Spring 2023.

See the Upgrade Steps section under each feature for details of any action required. If you don't want to use or upgrade an optional feature, you can skip the upgrade steps for that feature. To perform upgrade steps in your org, you must be assigned administrator permissions.

See the Included in this Feature section under each feature for details of assets such as dashboards, datasets, dataset fields, or lenses that have been added or changed in this release.

For information on new features and changes to existing features in Spring 2023, see New Features and Enhancements in Engagement Analytics Spring 2023.


You must first upgrade your Financial Analytics and PS Cloud Core Analytics apps, then you must upgrade your Engagement Analytics app. This is a prerequisite for using any new feature or enhancement. For more information about how to upgrade apps, see Upgrading the Business Analytics App.

Enhancements to the Deferred Revenue Reporting Dashboard

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps for this Feature
Action Further Information

Before upgrading your Engagement Analytics app, ensure that your time period records in PSA fully match your recognition periods in Revenue Management.

For example, you might have a revenue recognition period named 2023/001 with a start date of February 1, 2023 and an end date of February 28, 2023. In that case, you must also have a time period in PSA with the same name and start and end dates.

Creating Recognition Years and Periods

Creating or Importing Time Periods

Before upgrading your Engagement Analytics app, ensure that your PS Cloud Core Analytics app contains the Revenue Forecast dataset. If the Revenue Forecast dataset is not available, the Deferred Revenue Reporting dashboard does not contain scheduled revenue. Creating an App from the PS Cloud Core Analytics Template

Included in this Feature

This section details the assets that have been added or changed in this release.

Dashboards Changed for this Feature
Dashboard Further Information
Deferred Revenue Reporting Using the Deferred Revenue Reporting Dashboard
Fields Added to the Deferred Revenue Reporting Billings Dataset
Field Type Field Label Field API Name Description
Measure Amount Billed (Document Currency) ValueAmountBilledDocument The amount billed for the record in the billing event item in the project's currency.
Amount Billed (Dual Currency) ValueAmountBilled The amount billed for the record in the billing event item in the corporate currency.
Project Exchange Rate ValueProjectExchangeRate The exchange rate from the corporate currency to the project currency.
Date Source Start Date SourceStartDate The start date of the project.
Fields Removed from the Deferred Revenue Reporting Billings Dataset
Field Type Field Label Field API Name Replacement Field
Measure Amount Billed ValueAmountBilled Amount Billed (Dual Currency)
Fields Renamed in the Deferred Revenue Reporting Billings Dataset
Field Type Original Field Label New Field Label Original Field API Name New Field API Name
Dimension Currency ISO Code Source Currency CurrencyIsoCode SourceCurrency

For more information about all the fields available in the Deferred Revenue Reporting Billings dataset, see Deferred Revenue Reporting Billings Dataset Output Fields.

Fields Added to the Deferred Revenue Reporting Transactions Dataset
Field Type Field Label Field API Name Description
Measure Amount Recognized (Document Currency) ValueAmountRecognizedDocument The total amount of revenue recognized in the revenue recognition transaction line in the document currency.
Amount Recognized (Dual Currency) ValueAmountRecognized The total amount of revenue recognized in the revenue recognition transaction line in the corporate currency.
Conversion Rate ConversionRate The exchange rate from the corporate currency to the currency of the PSA business record.
Project Exchange Rate ValueProjectExchangeRate The exchange rate from the corporate currency to the project currency.
Revenue Forecast Scheduled Revenue ValueRevenueForecastScheduledRevenue The total scheduled revenue for the project in this period.
Dimension Revenue Forecast Version Name RevenueForecastVersionName The name of the revenue forecast version.
Revenue Forecast Time Period Name RevenueForecastTimePeriodName The name of the time period that the revenue forecast belongs to.
Date Revenue Forecast Created Date RevenueForecastCreatedDate The date on which the revenue forecast was created.
Source Start Date SourceStartDate The start date of the project.
Fields Removed from the Deferred Revenue Reporting Transactions Dataset
Field Type Field Label Field API Name Replacement Field
Measure Amount Recognized ValueAmountRecognized Amount Recognized (Dual Currency)
EvA Scheduled Amount ValueEVABillings Revenue Forecast Scheduled Revenue
Dimension EvA Time Period Name EVATimePeriodName These fields do not have replacements.
EvA Time Period Type EVATimePeriodType
Revenue Recognition Template RRTemplate
Fields Renamed in the Deferred Revenue Reporting Transactions Dataset
Field Type Original Field Label New Field Label Original Field API Name New Field API Name
Dimension Currency ISO Code Source Currency CurrencyIsoCode CurrencyIsoCode

For more information about all the fields available in the Deferred Revenue Reporting Transactions dataset, see Deferred Revenue Reporting Transactions Dataset Output Fields.

Consolidated Engagement Analytics Recipe

Upgrade Steps

No additional upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023. The new features are automatically available when you upgrade your Engagement Analytics app.

Included in this Feature

This section details the assets that have been added or changed in this release.

Recipes Removed
Recipe Notes
FinancialForce Deferred Revenue Reporting The nodes from this recipe have been moved to the Engagement Analytics recipe.