Upgrading to Financial Analytics Spring 2023

This page describes the changes to make when upgrading to Spring 2023.

See the Upgrade Steps section under each feature for details of any action required. If you don't want to use or upgrade an optional feature, you can skip the upgrade steps for that feature. To perform upgrade steps in your org, you must be assigned administrator permissions.

See the Included in this Feature section under each feature for details of assets such as dashboards, datasets, dataset fields, or lenses that have been added or changed in this release.

For information on new features and changes to existing features in Spring 2023, see New Features and Enhancements in Financial Analytics Spring 2023.


To use a new feature or enhancement, you must upgrade your Financial Analytics app. For more information about how to upgrade apps, see Upgrading the Business Analytics App.

Budget Comparison Dashboard

Upgrade Steps

Upgrade Steps

No additional upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023. The new features are automatically available when you upgrade your Financial Analytics app.

Migration from Dataflow to Recipe

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps
Action Further Information
Ensure that the Enable Data Sync and Connections checkbox is selected from Setup in Feature Settings | Analytics | Analytics | Settings. See the Salesforce Help.
[Optional] After upgrading your Financial Analytics app, schedule the recipe to run automatically.

Included in this Feature

This section details the assets that have been added or changed in this release.

Recipes Added for this Feature
Recipe Further Information
Financial Analytics Financial Analytics Data Reference

Removed Financial Statements Dashboards

Upgrade Steps

To upgrade this feature to Spring 2023, take the following action.

Upgrade Steps
Action Further Information
Use Financial Report Builder to create reports that replace the removed dashboards. Creating Reports and Statements

Included in this Feature

This section details the assets that have been added or changed in this release.

Dashboards Removed for this Feature
Dashboard Label Replacement Financial Report Builder Report Type
Balance Sheet Balance Sheet
Income Statement Income Statement
Trial Balance Trial Balance

Procurement Dashboard

Upgrade Steps

No additional upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023. The new features are automatically available when you upgrade your Financial Analytics app.

Additional Fields in the Supply Chain Management Core Dataset

We have added multiple fields from the Condition Code, Purchase Contract, Purchase Order, and Requisition Line Item objects to the Supply Chain Management Core dataset. You can leverage this to create your own dashboard focused on procurement management.

For a full list of fields, see Supply Chain Management Core Fields.

Upgrade Steps

No additional upgrade steps are required to upgrade this feature to Spring 2023. The new feature is automatically available when you upgrade your Financial Analytics app.

Included in this Feature

This section details the fields that have been added in this release.

 Fields added to the Supply Chain Management Core dataset for this feature in Spring 2023
Field Type Field Label Field API Name Description
Date Requested Delivery Date PurchaseOrderLineRequestedDeliveryDate The date on which the item is to be delivered.
Purchase Contract Start Date PurchaseContractStartDate The date from which the purchase contract is effective.
Purchase Contract End Date PurchaseContractEndDate The date on which the purchase contract line stops being effective.
Dimension Requisition Name RequisitionName The optional name for the requisition.
Requisition Line Product Group RequisitionLineProductGroup The product group of the requisition line item.
Requisition Line Item Line Status RequisitionLineStatus The status of the requisition line item.
Requisition Line Item Item Description RequisitionLineItemDescription The description of the item in the item master record.
Requisition Line Item Created By CreatedById The user who created the requisition line item.
Requisition Line Item Category RequisitionLineProductGroupName The category of the goods or services for which the requisition line is created.
Requisition Line Item Buyer RequisitionLineBuyerUserName The Salesforce user who is to be the buyer for the item.
Requisition Line Condition Code RequisitionLineConditionCode The name of the condition code of the requisitioned item
Purchase Order Order Type PurchaseOrderOrderType The type of lines on the purchase order.
Purchase Order Buyer User Name PurchaseOrderBuyerUserName The user that created the purchase order.
Purchase Contract Supplier Site PurchaseContractSupplierSiteName The supplier site associated with the purchase contract.
Purchase Contract Status PurchaseContractStatus The current purchase contract line status.
Purchase Contract Number PurchaseContractNumber The number of the purchase contract.
Purchase Contract Line Status PurchaseContractLineStatus The current purchase contract line status.
Purchase Contract Line Category PurchaseContractLineCategory The category of the goods or services being contracted.
Purchase Contract Date Year PurchaseContractDateYear The year when the purchase contract line stops being effective.
Purchase Contract Buyer PurchaseContractBuyerUserName The user that created the purchase contract line.
Product Name ProductName The name of the product.
Measure Total Amount On Purchase Contract TotalAmountOnPurchaseContract The sum of the amounts on purchase contract lines on the purchase contract.
Purchase Contract Days until Expiration PurchaseContractDaysUntilExpiration The number of days left before the purchase contract line expires.
Maximum Amount to Order MaximumAmountToOrderOnPurchaseContract The maximum spend you can order for the purchase contract.