Registered Product Fields

Here is a description of the fields that make up a registered product in Foundations.

Key: * – Mandatory field. The number indicates the number of characters that are allowed in this text field, where appropriate.

Field     Description
Product Name * 80 Description or name of the product registered with Foundations. This is used to identify publications from the application.
Developer Name * 30 This uniquely identifies the developer reference. When you create a custom message type, a unique developer name is required. Developer names enable you to create a unique identifier for the record and action being carried out on it. You can enter any value, but it must be unique. If you do not enter a value, a developer name is generated automatically.
Major Version * 18.0 The major version of the registered product.
Minor Version * 4.0 The minor version of the registered product.
Service Pack   18.0 The active service pack of the registered product.

Indicates whether the product is still installed on the orgClosed Salesforce organization. See also organization..


You cannot make a product obsolete by selecting this checkbox.