Comparing Project Versions

  • The main procedure is for users of record pages supplied by Certinia from Fall 2020.
  • From Fall 2020, if you are not using the pages supplied by Certinia, your administrator can add the PSA Actions: Project Versioning component to the project record page.
  • Your administrator must have assigned the Project Version Compare permission control to you.
  • Your administrator can customize which headline cards are captured for comparison, and also which fields are displayed in project detail cards. For more information, see Managing Version Capture Configuration.

To compare a project versionClosed A read-only data capture of the project in a particular moment in time. or baselineClosed A static data capture of the original or re-planned project against which changes are compared. with another project version:

  1. On a project record, click Actions | Project Versioning | Compare Versions. Using Classic:Closed On the Managed Versions related list, click Compare Version. The Compare Versions page opens.
  2. Select project versions from the Compare and To drop-down lists.
  3. Click Compare.
    The following are displayed on the Compare Versions page:
    • Project version detail fields, for example, project status. Changes display in highlighted text to the right of the initial baseline or version data. For more information, see Compare Version Fields.
    • A headline card per object with overview details for comparison against project versions. Headline cards are highlighted when there are differences between project versions in the primary and secondary headlines. When a new custom object, or a previously uncaptured standard object first displays as described in Managing Version Capture Configuration, and headline configurations have not been amended, you will see a blank headline card. For more information about populating headlines cards with details, see Configuring Headline Cards.
    • To view more detailed project information, see Viewing Project Version Details.

Viewing the Standard Comparison Overview

Standard Headline Overview Standard Headline Overview Data Notes
  • Number of Assignments
  • Scheduled Hours
  • Budget Total
  • Approved
Estimates Vs Actuals
  • Estimated Hours
  • Actual Hours
Version records contain summaries of total hours listed. If you use multiple time periods for Estimates vs Actuals, such as quarter, month, and week, your hours are summarized together.
  • Number of Issues
  • Average Severity
  • Maximum Severity
All issues irrespective of status. The average severity value is the mean of all issue severities in the project version.
The maximum severity value is the issue with the highest severity in the project version.
  • Number of Milestones
  • Number of Phases
Project Tasks
  • Number of Project Tasks
  • Estimated Hours
  • Completed Project Tasks
The project tasks value excludes parent tasks.
Resource Requests
  • Number of Resource Requests
  • Requested Hours
All resource requests irrespective of status.
  • Number of Risks
  • Average Severity
  • Maximum Severity
All risks irrespective of status. The average severity value is the mean of all risk severities in the project version.
The maximum severity value is the risk with the highest severity in the project version.