Monitoring Utilization Calculation

You can monitor Utilization calculation as shown in the table below:

Task More Information
Check for errors occurring during Utilization calculation. Check the Error Details field on the Utilization Calculation object.
View a utilization calculation.

Select the utilization calculation that you want to view on the Utilization Calculations tab.

View completed Apex jobs in Setup. For more information, see "Apex Jobs" in the Salesforce Help.
View scheduled jobs in Setup. For more information, see "Scheduled Jobs" in the Salesforce Help.
View the resulting utilization information for the resource, region practice or group.
  • Display the utilization information for the resource, region, practice, or group on the related list for that object.
  • Utilization information shows on the resource, region, practice, and group detail record. Check the Utilization: Last Calculation Date or Utilization: Last Calculation Date field respectively to verify the age of this data.