What is a Reporting Definition?

A reporting definition is the top-level object from which reports are run. The definition record itself defines many attributes including the reporting templateClosed The Visualforce page on which the report is based., logo, and style sheets that you want to use.

A reporting definition also has a master-detail relationship with the following child objects:

  • Reporting data range
  • Reporting prompt
  • Reporting label
  • Reporting log

See Object Relationship Diagram.

See the related topics for more information.


When you want to create a custom report based on an existing reporting definition within the current Salesforce org, use the Clone button to not only clone the top-level reporting definition record, but also its child records.

When you clone a reporting definition in this way, the following items are not cloned:

  • Reporting objects
  • Reporting filters
  • Report templates
  • Custom fields

Exporting to a Portable Definition File

If you want to share a reporting definition with someone or transfer it to another Salesforce org that you control, you must first export it as a portable reporting definition file. You can choose whether to export the associated reporting objects and reporting filters as well. Exporting this information is optional.

These portable report definitions are saved to the Reporting Definitions folder in the Document Library. See "Document Library Overview" in the Salesforce Help for more information.

Do not store any other documents in the Reporting Definitions folder in the Document Library. Use this folder exclusively for reporting definitions.

Importing from a Portable Definition File

After receiving a portable reporting definition file from someone or if you have access to a portable reporting definition file created in another Salesforce org that you control, you can import it into your current org. The following conditions apply:

  • If the portable reporting definition file contains the details of reporting objects or reporting filters which do not exist in the org, they are created.
  • If the portable reporting definition file contains the details of reporting objects or reporting filters which already exist in the org, the reporting object and filter details are not re-imported.
  • If the portable reporting definition does not contain the details of reporting objects or reporting filters, the application looks for corresponding records. If it does not find them in your org, the import fails. In this case, you must create the missing reporting objects or reporting filters before you try again. See Creating a Reporting Object and Creating a New Reporting Filter.