What is a Reporting Filter?

Reporting filters are reusable and customizable query criteria. When you begin to use the generated reporting definitions for the first time you will need to edit the reporting filters to match your corporate chart of accounts.

When constructing a reporting definitionClosed The top-level object from which reports are run. and associated reporting templateClosed The Visualforce page on which the report is based., your source data can be filtered by three overlapping layers:

  • general filters (All) which apply to the data range as a whole (light blue in the diagram)
  • column filters (green in the diagram)
  • row filters (orange in the diagram)

This example is based on a requirement to create a report that analyzes accounts and opportunities as separate data ranges on the same report.

Reporting filter example

Filter Conditions

There is a limit of one primary object per filter record. So, if you select a primary object in the first condition, all other conditions must be based on the same primary object. However, you can reference other objects in your filters by using extended relationships.

To use extended relationships in your filters, select reference (lookup) fields to access the fields in the referenced object.


You cannot add more than nine conditions to a single filter.

Primary objects are shown in bold. Reference (lookup) fields are shown in italics.


Filter conditions and uses
Filter Condition Used when you want to report on:
Account; Account Type starts with Customer Customer accounts.
Account; Employees is greater than 1000 Large accounts with more than 1000 employees.
Opportunity; Probability is High Opportunities with a probability of High
Opportunity; Close Date equals 01-01-2012 Opportunities that close on the specified date
Reporting Balance; Type is Actual Actual balances
Reporting Balance; Period Number is equal to 101 Closing period balances
General Ledger Account; Name starts with 4 Sales revenue in the standard chart of accounts
Project; Status is Red Projects that are at Red status

Extended Relationships

Filter conditions and uses
Filter Condition Used when you want to report on:
Account; Created By ID
User; Phone starts with 555
Accounts where the account owner's phone number starts with 555
Transaction Line Item; Product ID
Product; Product Family is Toshiba
Transaction lines with a product in the product family of Toshiba
Contract; Account Name ID
Account; Parent Account ID
Account; Account Name contains Smith Group
Contracts where the account belongs to the specified parent
Reporting Balance; Budget and Balance
Budget and Balance; Intersect Definition
Intersect Definition; Intersect Definition Name is GLA+Dimension1
Balances for a specified intersect, in this case GLA+Dimension1

Filter Logic

The default filter logic between two or more filter conditions in the same filter definition is AND.

Click Add Filter Logic to change the default AND relationship between each filter condition. See Filter Logic Tips for more information.

Filter Builder

Key: F "“ Filter available, type a letter or string to reduce the number of items displayed.

Element types and descriptions
Element   Description
Object F The Salesforce standard or custom object in your organization on which to base this filter.
Field F Field on the selected object to use as part of this condition. If you select a reference (lookup) field, the condition is extended to the referenced object.
Operator   Operator to use as part of this condition. The available operators vary in line with the field type of the selected field, as described in the following table.
Value   Specific value or prompt tagClosed Placeholder used instead of a specific value in filter conditions. The real value is provided by the user at run time. to complete this condition. If the reporting prompt type is Accounting Period you can append an optional reporting prompt adjustment (soft period) formula. See Accounting Period Adjustments (Soft Periods) for more information.

The following text fields are not supported as the basis of a reporting filter:

  • Text Area (Long)
  • Text Area (Rich)
  • Text (Encrypted)
  • Date/Time


Operator types
  Types Operators
Strings id, string, url, phone, email is, is not, starts with, ends with, contains, does not contain
<, >
>=, <=
Numeric double, percent, currency, int is equal to, is not equal to, is less than, is greater than, is less than or equal to, is greater than or equal to
Selectors picklist, combobox, boolean is, is not
Dates date, datetime is, is not, is before, is after, is before or equal to, is after or equal to