What is a Reporting Filter Mapping?

Filter mappings allow you to map a reusable reporting filterClosed Reusable query criteria. to a reporting data rangeClosed Defines the 'pot' of data to be reported on.. Reporting filters contain the actual filter criteria. The filter mapping name is used on reports as a descriptive label, such as Sales Revenue or Toronto.

Typically there will be multiple filters which will be used by the template to render different portions of the data range such as "Rows" and "Columns".

A row filter will allow you to retrieve selected records and present them as rows, but with no grouping or sub-totals.


Detail reporting doesn't support column filters. So if the reporting data range type is "Detail", you cannot add column reporting filters to the reporting data range. This also means that if your data range contains column filters you cannot change the data range type from "Summary" to "Detail", even if all its reporting values are of type "Detail".

When you begin to use the generated reporting definitions for the first time you will need to edit the reporting filters these filter mappings to match your corporate chart of accounts.