Setting up the Revenue Management Workspace
In this release, the Revenue Management Workspace is not currently part of the Revenue Management core product. Contact Certinia Onboarding to have the Revenue Management Workspaces package installed into your org.
Installing the Workspace
Complete the following setup for your users to access the Revenue Management workspace:
- The Revenue Management - RM Workspace permission set provides access to the Revenue Management Workspace. Assign the Revenue Management - RM Workspace permission set to the users that require access to the workspace.
- The workspace links to various parts of the product and is populated by the relevant records. To view the workspace correctly with populated data, you must ensure that your users have
- Read access to the Accounting Journal object.
- Read access to the Journal field on Recognition Transaction object.
- Read access to the Journal Creation State field on Recognition Transaction object.
- Manually add the Revenue Management Workspace tab to any apps. By adding this tab to the relevant apps you gain maximum benefit from the Revenue Management workspace, supporting your workflows, and reducing the time needed to access the information required in your role.
- To display the list of:
- Alert cards
- Alert - Current vs Previous Month Revenue
- Alert - Summary of Journals
- Alert - Transactions with Errors
- Count cards
- Count - Transactions Requiring Journals
- Count - Transactions with Journals
- Count - Transactions In Progress
- Alert cards
Manually follow steps for each user to view the chart correctly:
- In the Reports tab, click All Folders.
- From the RM Workspace Report Templates click
| Share.
- In the Names field, search relevant users and click Share | Done.
- Navigate to the Revenue Management Workspace.
- From Setup, click Edit Page.
- Click and drag the FDN Count Card component to the relevant part of the Lightning page layout. As you make changes to the component, the Lightning App Builder displays a preview of your updates.
- In the Component Properties pane, complete the following information:
- Enter the API name: ffrr__RevenueRecognitionTransaction__c
- Enter the API name of the list view: ffrr__RevenueRecognizedInProgress
- Enter the title ‘Transactions In Progress’ for the count card. If you leave the field blank, the name of the corresponding list view is displayed.
- Save the page.
The Revenue Management Workspace Configuration feature needs to be activated using Feature Console. These Alerts and Counts are designed to be used by our customers who have integrated Revenue Management with Accounting and have the RT to Journal Integration and RT to Journal Integration for Cost features enabled. For more information, see Enabling Revenue Management Workspace Configuration.
Configuring the Revenue Management Workspace to display cost information
If you want to integrate recognition transactions and Accounting journals to track costs, you can clone the dashboard and add the following alert card:
- Alert - Cost Current vs Previous Month
Also, a chart that details Cost Recognized by Document Currency and Period (In User Currency) can be placed onto the Revenue Management Workspace. For more information see the topic Enabling and Viewing Revenue Management Charts
Enabling Revenue Management Workspace Configuration
To enable the Revenue Management workspace configuration feature:
- Click the Feature Console tab.
- [Optional] Filter the list of features by application or status. The Revenue Management workspace configuration feature is shown when the filter is set to RM Workspace.
- Click the name of the Revenue Management Workspace Configuration feature for the Revenue Management Workspace.
Work through the steps in the order shown. You must complete some steps manually.
- For each manual step, follow the instructions on the screen then click Mark As Done when the step is complete. More information about performing the manual steps is provided below.
- For each automatic step, click Perform. When the step has completed, the Status changes from "Not Done" to "Done".
When you have completed all the steps, use the Status slider in the Feature section to enable the feature.
- Check that the Revenue Management features RT to Journal Integration and RT to Journal Integration for Cost are enabled.
- Manually add a filter to the Recognition Transactions list view “Journals Not Created”.
To do this:
- Navigate to the Recognition Transactions object.
- Open the “Journals Not Created” list view.
- Select Edit List Filters from the List View Controls. Alternatively, click on the Show Filter icon.
- Click Add Filter.
- Select “Field = Journal Creation State, Operator = equals and Value = Error”. Click Done
- Click Add Filter.
- Select "Field = Cost Journal Creation State, Operator = equals and Value = Error". Click Done.
- Click Add Filter Logic. Update the Filter Logic to 1 AND 2 AND (3 OR 4).
- Click Save.
- Manually add Journal fields to the Recognition Transactions list view “Journals Not Created”.
To do this:
- Navigate to the Recognition Transactions object.
- Open the “Journals Not Created” list view.
- Select “Select Fields to Display” from the List View Controls.
- Select the fields “Journal Creation State” and “Cost Journal Creation State” from the Available Fields and add them to the Visible Fields.
- Click Save.
- Manually add filters to the Recognition Transactions list view “Recent Pending Journals”.
To do this:
- Navigate to the Recognition Transactions object.
- Open the “Recent Pending Journals” list view.
- Select Edit List Filters from the List View Controls. Alternatively, click the Show Filter icon.
- Click Add Filter.
- Select “Field = Journal, Operator = equals and leave the Value as blank”. Click Done.
- Click Add Filter.
- Select “Field = Cost Journal, Operator = equals and leave the Value as blank”. Click Done.
- Click Save.
- Manually add filters to the Recognition Transactions list view “Journals Created Recently”.
To do this:
- Navigate to the Recognition Transactions object.
- Open the “Journals Created Recently” list view.
- Select Edit List Filters from the List View Controls. Alternatively, click the Show Filter icon.
- Click Add Filter.
- Select “Field = Journal, Operator = not equal to and leave the Value as blank”. Click Done.
- Click Add Filter.
- Select “Field = Cost Journal, Operator = not equal to and leave the Value as blank”. Click Done.
- Click Add Filter Logic. Update the Filter Logic as 1 AND 2 AND (3 OR 4).
- Click Save.
- Manually add Journal fields to the Recognition Transactions list view “Journals Created Recently”.
To do this:
- Navigate to the Recognition Transactions object.
- Open the “Journals Created Recently” list view.
- Select “Select Fields to Display” from the List View Controls.
- Select “Journal” and “Cost Journal” fields from the Available Fields and add them to the Visible Fields.
- Click Save.
Enabling and Viewing Revenue Management Charts
To enable and view the Cost by Period in User Currency chart if you are using Revenue Management to track costs you need to do the following:
- From the Revenue Management Workspace click Setup icon.
- Click Edit Page.
- In the Lightning App Builder page, navigate to the Standard | Report Chart.
- Drag the Report Chart Standard Component to the selection area. Select ''Cost by Period in User Currency" report in the component Report field and if required enter the label name in the Label field.
For example, Cost Recognized by Document Currency and Period (In User Currency).
- Click Save.
- Click Activation to apply the changes you made to the report chart.
For more information about editing and assigning permission sets and configuring apps, see the Salesforce Help.