Expense Reports to Payable Invoices or Credit Notes Integration

SRP allows you to seamlessly create payable invoices in Accounting from PSA expense reports. That way you can keep track of the reimbursements that you make to your employees, without needing to enter duplicate data.

Similarly, if you want to amend a previous invoice, you can create a payable credit note from the expense report. SRP determines this based on the Total Reimbursement Amount field. Expense reports that have a positive total reimbursement amount are passed to payable invoices, while expense reports with a negative amount become payable credit notes in Accounting.

For more information on each of these objects, see the following:

Which Expense Reports are Eligible for Creating Payable Invoices and Payable Credit Notes?

For an expense report to be passed to Accounting, all of the following must be true:

  • The Approved field must be selected.
  • The Expense Reimbursement Account field must be set to a valid account.
  • The Passed to Accounting field must not be selected.
  • At least one of the related expenses must be eligible for creating a payable invoice or credit note expense line item. By default, SRP filters out non-reimbursable expenses. Depending on how your org is configured, additional expense-level restrictions might apply.

Your administrator might have configured additional requirements.

Which Fields are Automatically Populated for an Expense Report Record?

When you create or edit and expense report, SRP automatically populates the following fields so that you do not need to manually enter repetitive data:

  • Company: set from the related project. Depending on your configuration, the company is populated from the region, practice, or group related to the project.
  • Expense Report Currency: set to the accounting currency linked to the company that has the same ISO code as the Currency field on the expense report.
  • Expense Reimbursement Account: automatically set to the expense reimbursement account of the related resource. To change this value for an expense report, you must change the expense reimbursement account for the related resource.

How is the Expense GLA Code Field Populated for an Expense Record?

When you create an expense report, SRP automatically populates the Expense GLA Code field on each expense included in the report. For this to happen, your administrator must map expense types to general ledger accounts. Once the mappings are configured, SRP determines the Expense GLA Code for an expense based on the value of the Type field and whether the Billable field is selected.

For more information on how to configure the mappings, see Creating Expense Type GLA Mappings.

How Can I Create Payable Invoices and Payable Credit Notes from Expense Reports?

You can create a payable invoice or credit note from an expense in several ways:

How Does the Automatically Pass to Accounting Functionality Work?

When the Automatically Pass to Accounting field is selected for an expense report, the record is passed to Accounting as soon as it becomes eligible. That means that you don't need to manually click Create Payable Invoice/Credit Note from the record's detail page or the list view, nor wait for the next execution of the scheduled job.

For example, an expense report has a total reimbursement value of $100, is linked to a resource with a valid expense reimbursement account, and is submitted for approval. With Automatically Pass to Accounting selected, as soon as the expense report is approved, SRP creates a matching payable invoice.

If multiple expense reports with the Automatically Pass to Accounting field selected become eligible at the same time, they are processed in a background job. Once the process finishes, an email notification is sent to the user who triggered the changes that made the records eligible. The email is also sent to any additional email addresses defined by your administrator (see Additional Notification Recipients). The email contains the number of successfully processed records and the number of expense reports that could not be passed to Accounting (if any). The email also has a link to the relevant process run record. The process run contains log entries for each record that was processed.


Depending on how your org is set up, the following might apply:

  • The Automatically Pass to Accounting field might be selected automatically, by a background process.
  • A different, possibly custom field might be used instead of Automatically Pass to Accounting to control this behavior. For more information, see ER Auto Pass to Accounting Field and contact your administrator.

What Information is Passed from an Expense Report to Accounting?

The following table lists how fields on the Expense Report object map to the relevant fields on the Payable Invoice and Payable Credit Note objects. In some cases, SRP provides a static value for fields that are not present on the Expense Report object.


Your administrator might have changed the default mappings or added custom mappings.

Default Mappings between Expense Report Fields and Payable Invoice / Credit Note Fields

Expense Report Field

Static Value

Payable Invoice Field

Payable Credit Note Field

Company   Company Company
Description   Invoice Description Credit Note Description
Expense Reimbursement Account   Account Account
Expense Report Currency   Invoice Currency Credit Note Currency
Expense Report Name   Vendor Invoice Number Vendor Credit Note Number
ID   Expense Report Expense Report
Last Expense Date   Invoice Date Credit Note Date
Resource   Expense Report Resource Expense Report Resource
  Selected (true) Derive Due Date Derive Due Date
  Selected (true) Derive Period Derive Period
  Deselected (false) Copy Account Values Copy Account Values
  Deselected (false) Derive Currency Derive Currency
  "In Progress"   Credit Note Status

Once an Accounting document is created from an expense report, the Passed to Accounting field is automatically selected on the expense report.

When an expense report is passed to Accounting, its items are also passed as expense line items for the document.

The following table lists how fields on the Expense object map to the relevant fields on the Payable Invoice Expense Line Item and Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item objects.

Default Mappings between Expense Fields and Payable Invoice / Credit Note Expense Line Item Fields

Expense Field

Static Value

Payable Invoice Expense Line Item Field

Payable Credit Note Expense Line Item Field

Description   Line Description Line Description
Expense GLA Code   General Ledger Account General Ledger Account
ID   Expense Expense
Net Value   Net Value  
Net Value - Credit     Net Value
Project   Project Project
Reimbursement Currency   Currency Currency
Reimbursement Tax   Input Tax Value  
Reimbursement Tax - Credit     Input Tax Value
  Deselected (false) Calculate Tax Value from Rate Calculate Tax Value from Rate
  Deselected (false) Derive Tax Rate from Code Derive Tax Rate from Code
  Deselected (false) Set GLA to Default Set GLA to Default
  Selected (true) Set Tax Code to Default Set Tax Code to Default