Using Success Tracker
The Success Tracker provides a view of all of a success plan's related objectives, and their associated playbooks and playbook tasks. Enabling you to view information about the progress, status, and relevant resources of the records at a glance. Records are displayed in a scheduler view providing you with a holistic overview of your success plan's related records and their dates.
Viewing Records
You can change the scheduler view by selecting one of the following: Days, Weeks, Months, Quarters, or Years. To return to today's date, click Today.
To refresh the data displayed in the Success Tracker, click .
To collapse or expand all of the records displayed, click or
You can use the search bar to search for a specific record. The returned result displays within the context of the hierarchy in the Success Tracker.
The Success Tracker is read only. Use the links displayed to navigate to the appropriate record and update the relevant information.
The Progress column displays a visual of the progress and a percentage. It is determined differently for objectives, playbooks, and playbook tasks. For more information, see Success Tracker Lightning Component Fields.