Financial Matching Output Fields

The Financial Matching dataset includes fields from the Cash Matching, Transaction and Transaction Line objects in Accounting, as well as other associated objects. The fields are:

Key: H - Hidden field

Financial Matching Fields






Account Outstanding Value (Matching)   The outstanding value of the account in the currency of the account.
Account Value (Matching)   The value of the account in the currency of the account.
Credit Limit   The credit limit for the account. The values stored in this field are in the account currency. For more information, see Custom Account Fields in Accounting
Days Offset 1—4   The days offset value of the credit terms information in the Account object. For more information, see Custom Account Fields in Accounting.
Days to Pay   Number of days the customer takes to pay on average, based on their payments in the last 365 days. The value in this field is automatically calculated in Accounting. For more information, see Custom Account Fields in the Accounting Help.
Discount Account Value 1 — 4   The discount value of the account information of the Line Transaction object in Accounting.
Discount Document Value 1 — 4   The discount value of the document information of the Line Transaction object in Accounting.
Document Outstanding Value (Matching)   The unmatched portion of the transaction in the currency of the document. See the Transaction Line object.
Document Value (Matching)   The value of the transaction in the currency of the document.
Dual Outstanding Value (Matching)   The outstanding amount in the dual currency.
Dual Value (Matching)   The total value in dual currency. See the Transaction object.
Matching Financial Period (s)   The period for this matching line stored as a number.
Matching Financial Year (s)   The year for this matching line stored as a number.
Matching Financial Year and Period (s)   The financial year and period for the cash match represented as a number.
Matching Line Number   Identification number for this matching history record.
Reporting Outstanding Value (Matching)   The outstanding value of the account in the reporting currency.
Reporting Value (Matching)   The value of the account in the reporting currency.
Reporting Rate   The conversion rate between the home currency and the reporting currency.
Transaction Financial Period (s)   The number of the period, stored as a number.
Transaction Financial Year (s)   The number of the year and period associated with the transaction or balance.
Transaction Financial Year and Period (s)   The financial year and period represented as a number.
Transaction Line Item Document Value   Total value of the transaction line item, in document currency.
Transaction Line Item Dual Value   Total value of the transaction line item, in dual currency.
Transaction Line Item Home Value   Total value of the transaction line item, in home currency.
Transaction Line Number   The number of the transaction line.
Dates Date Canceled   Date the related payment was canceled, associated with the transaction line item.
Financial Period End Date   The end date is composed of sub-datasets for: Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Epoch days, Epoch seconds.
Financial Period Start Date   The start date is composed of sub-datasets for: Year, Quarter, Month, Week, Day, Hour, Minute, Second, Epoch days, Epoch seconds.
Financial Year-Period (s) H Combines the year from Financial Year (PeriodYearName) field, and the period from the Financial Period (PeriodNumber) field and transforms the values to create a date field for use in Time Series charts.
Financial Year End Processing Date   Date the year end process was run.
Last Customer Statement Date   The last customer statement date associated with the transaction line item.
Last Customer Statement Date   The last customer statement date associated with the transaction line item.
Last Reminder Date   The date that the last reminder was sent for the transaction line item.
Matching Created Date   The date that the cash match was created.
Matching Discount Date   Date used to retrieve the correct settlement discount to apply to sales or payable invoices and credit notes.
Matching Financial Period End Date   The end date of the accounting period in which this document falls.
Matching Match Date   The date that the cash match was created.
Transaction Date   The date of the transaction.
Transaction Line Item Due Date   For a transaction of type "Invoice", "Credit Note", "Purchase Invoice" or "Purchase Credit Note", this is copied from the originating document's due date. For other transaction types, this is the same as the transaction date.


Account Billing City   The city portion of the account billing address.
Account Billing Country   The country portion of the account billing address.
Account Billing State   The state portion of the account billing address.
Account Dimension 1—4   The name of the dimension related to the Account object.
Account ID   The identification number of the account.
Account Name   The name of the account.
Account Name (Bank Account)   Name by which the account is known at the bank.
Account Number   The number associated with the account object.
Account Owner   A lookup to the name of the user assigned as the owner of a particular account.
Accounting Book ID   The identification number of the accounting book.
Accounting Book Name   The name of the accounting book.
Bank Account Bank Name   The name of the bank that the bank account belongs to.
Bank Account City   The city address line for the bank account.
Bank Account Country   The country address line for the bank account.
Bank Account Currency ID   The system identification number corresponding to the accounting currency.
Bank Account Currency Name   The ISO code of the accounting currency associated with the bank account.
Bank Account IBAN Number   The IBAN number associated with the bank account.
Bank Account Name   The name of the bank account.
Bank Account Number   The number of the bank account.
Bank Account Reporting Code   The reporting code associated with the bank account.
Bank Account Sort Code   The SORT code associated with the bank account.
Bank Account State/Province   The state or province address line for the bank account.
Bank Account Street   The street address line for the bank account.
Bank Account SWIFT Number   The SWIFT number associated with the bank account.
Bank Account Zip/Postal Code   The ZIP code or postal code associated with the bank account.
Base Date 1—4   The base date value of the credit terms information in the Account object. For more information, see Custom Account Fields in Accounting.
Billing Method   The billing method associated with the vendor account.
Chart of Accounts Structure ID   The identification number of the chart of accounts structure associated with the general ledger account.
Chart of Accounts Structure Name   The name of the chart of accounts structure associated with the general ledger account.
Collections On Hold  

If selected, indicates that the account is placed on hold for collections. For more information, see the Account Fields in Accounting.

Collections On Hold Reason  

Indicates the reason why the account is on hold. The values are:

  • Account in dispute
  • Invoice in dispute
  • Other
Company ID   The identification number of the company.
Credit Agency   The name of the credit agency associated with a particular account.
Credit Rating   The rating given to this account by its associated credit agency.
Credit Status   The credit status associated with a particular account.
Dimension 1—4   The name of the dimensions related to the Transaction Line Object.
Document Currency   The currency ISO code recorded on the related document.
Dual Currency   The currency ISO code in which your corporate headquarters reports.
FFA Company   The identification number of the company created in Accounting.
Financial Year End Mode   The default processing mode for the year end process. For more information, see Year and Period Fields in Accounting.
Financial Year Status   Status of the year, such as Open, Closing, Closed or Error. Set by the year end process in Accounting.
Financial Year/Period (s)   The year followed by the period. For example 2019/01.
Home Currency   The main working currency ISO code of the current company.
Home Outstanding Value (Matching)   The outstanding amount in the home currency.
Home Value (Matching)   The total value in your home currency.
Industry   The industry identifier for the account.
Intercompany Transfer ID   The identification number of the intercompany transaction record associated with the transaction line item.
Intercompany Transfer Name   Lookup to the intercompany transfer record associated with the transaction line item.
Intersect Definition Core Accounting Code   Details of the intersect definition object associated with the record. For more information, see the Intersect Definition Object in Accounting.
Intersect Definition Dimension X   Details of the intersect definition object associated with the record. For more information, see the Intersect Definition Object in Accounting.
Intersect Definition Entity   Details of the intersect definition object associated with the record. For more information, see the Intersect Definition Object in Accounting.
Intersect Definition GLA   Details of the intersect definition object associated with the record. For more information, see the Intersect Definition Object in Accounting.
Intersect Definition Local GLA   Details of the intersect definition object associated with the record. For more information, see the Intersect Definition Object in Accounting.
Match Type   Source of the transaction.
Matching Action   Operation that created the history record: Match, Undo Match, Discount, Write-off or Currency Write-off.
Matching Financial Period   Accounting period in which this document falls.
Matching Financial Period Is AP   Indicates the financial period is closed to the Accounts Payable General Ledger Account group. The data for this field is derived from the Cash Matching object in Accounting.
Matching Financial Period Is AR   Indicates the financial period is closed to the Accounts Receivable General Ledger Account group. The data for this field is derived from the Cash Matching object in Accounting.
Matching Financial Period Is Cash   Indicates the financial period is closed to the Cash General Ledger Account group. The data for this field is derived from the Cash Matching object in Accounting.
Matching Financial Period Is Final Close   Indicates the financial period is closed to all general ledger accounts. The data for this field is derived from the Cash Matching object in Accounting.
Matching Financial Period Name   The financial period that the cash match was created in.
Matching Financial Special Period (s)   A checkbox indicating if the period is a special period. Special periods are 000, 100, and 101. Period 100 is selected by default.
Matching Financial Year   The financial year that the cash match was created in.
Matching Financial Year and Period (s)   The period and year for this matching line stored as a number.
Matching Line ID   Identification number for this matching history record.
Matching Line Name   The name of this matching history record.
Matching Reference ID   The matching identification number that identifies the matched lines.
Matching Reference Name   The matching reference that identifies the matched lines.
Matching Undo ID   The identification number for undoing the matching record.
Matching Undo Reason   Reason for reversing the match, such as "Remittance Advice Incorrect" or "Matching Error".
Matching Year   The year that the cash match was created in.
Owner ID   The identification number of the owner of the cash matching record.
Owning Reporting Currency Translation   The translation associated with the reporting currency.
Parent Account ID   The identification number of the parent account associated with the record.
Parent Account Name   The name of the parent account associated with the record.
Payment Method   The payment method associated with the vendor account.
Primary Accounting Book   The name of the accounting book selected as the primary book for the org. This is defined by the primary book field in the accounting book object in Accounting.
Product Name   The name of the product.
Reporting Code   An alternative name or code used for reporting.
Reporting Currency   The currency ISO code for the reporting currency.
Reverse Transaction ID   The ID number of the reverse transaction record.
Reverse Transaction Name   The name of the reversed transaction record.
Reverse Transaction Reason   This is a text field that describes the reason for the transaction reversal. For more information, see Reversing an Allocation Transaction in the Accounting Online Help.
Severity   The severity level of the last reminder sent for the invoice.
SIC Code   The standard industrial classification code (SIC) associated with the record. This is a unique code used to classify industry areas.
SIC Description   This field is related to the SIC Code, it provides a short description of the code. For example, "Computer Processing and Data Preparation and Processing Services" for SIC 7374.
Transaction Document Description   The header description of the transaction.
Transaction Document ID   The identification number of the transaction associated with the matching line.
Transaction Document Number   The number of the originating document, copied from the transaction header.
Transaction Financial Period   The number of the period, stored as a string.
Transaction Financial Period Is AP   Indicates the financial period is closed to the Accounts Payable General Ledger Account group. The data for this field is derived from the Transaction object in Accounting.
Transaction Financial Period Is AR   Indicates the financial period is closed to the Accounts Receivable General Ledger Account group. The data for this field is derived from the Transaction object in Accounting.
Transaction Financial Period Is Cash   Indicates the financial period is closed to the Cash General Ledger Account group. The data for this field is derived from the Transaction object in Accounting.
Transaction Financial Period Is Final Close   Indicates the financial period is closed to all general ledger accounts. The data for this field is derived from the Transaction object in Accounting.
Transaction Financial Period Name   The period of the transaction.
Transaction Financial Special Period (s)   A checkbox indicating if the period is a special period. Special periods are 000, 100, and 101. Period 100 is selected by default.
Transaction Financial Year   The transaction financial year.
Transaction General Ledger Account Code   The general ledger account code.
Transaction General Ledger Account Name   The general ledger account name.
Transaction General Ledger Account Name (s)   The general ledger account name with the numeric prefix removed.
Transaction ID   The identification number of the transaction.
Transaction Line Description   The line description of the transaction.
Transaction Line ID   The identification number of the transaction line.
Transaction Line Item Balance Type   The balance type of the transaction line.
Transaction Line Item Line Type   The type of transaction line item.
Transaction Line Name   The number of the transaction line.
Transaction Name   The name of the transaction.
Transaction Type   The type of transaction.
Version   The version associated with the transaction line item.