Transformed Fields

Fields within the dataset containing the suffix (s) have been transformed in some way. The following table details these transformations:

Key: H - Hidden field

Transformed Fields

Field Type

Field   Transformation Description


Dual Value (s)   The dual value reversed.
Dual Cr Value (s)   The dual credit value reversed.
Dual Dr Value (s)   The dual debit value reversed.
Financial Period (s)   The financial period represented as a number.
Financial Year and Period (s)   The financial year and period represented as a number.
Financial Year (s)   The financial year represented as a number.
Home Value (s)  

The home value reversed.

Home Cr Value (s)   The home credit value reversed.
Home Dr Value (s)   The home debit value reversed.
Dimensions Cash Flow Adjustment (s)   A formula. Where no cash flow adjustment is specified on the Reporting Balances object, use the cash flow adjustment specified on the General Ledger Account.
Cash Flow Category (s)   A formula. Where no cash flow category is specified on the Reporting Balances object, use the cash flow category specified on the General Ledger Account.
Cash Flow Line Summary (s)   A formula. Where no cash flow line summary is specified on the Reporting Balances object, use the cash flow line summary specified on the General Ledger Account.
Financial Special Period (s)   A checkbox indicating if the period is a special period. Special periods are 000, 100, and 101. Period 100 is selected by default.
Financial Year and Period (s)   The financial year and period represented as a number.
General Ledger Account Name (s)   The general ledger account name with the numeric prefix removed.
General Ledger Account Name   The name of the general ledger account without its code prefix. See the General Ledger Account object.
Financial Year-Period (s)  

Combines the year from Financial Year (PeriodYearName) field, and the period from the Financial Period (PeriodNumber) field and transforms the values to create a date field for use in Time Series charts. This is calculated as follows:

Financial Year = Year (not transformed).

Financial Period: Period 000 is added to 01.

Period 100 and Period 101 are added to 12.

Following this calculation, 2018/012 becomes 2018-12.

Income Statement Class (s)   A custom field for user-definition.
Intersect Definition (s)   A custom field for user-definition.
Trial Balance Level 1 (s)   A coded variant of trial balance 1 to allow for non-alpha sorting within lenses.
Trial Balance Level 2 (s)   A coded variant of trial balance 2 to allow for non-alpha sorting within lenses.
Trial Balance Level 3 (s)   A coded variant of trial balance 3 to allow for non-alpha sorting within lenses.
Trial Balance Level 4 (s)   A coded variant of trial balance 4 to allow for non-alpha sorting within lenses.


Financial Year/Month (s) H Combines the year from Financial Year (PeriodYearName) field, and the period from the Financial Period (PeriodNumber) field and transforms the values to create a Year/Period string. Used for date labels.