Date Format

Formats a date string.



Where YourDateString can contain any of the following:

Available Date Formats
Date Format Description
d Day without a leading zero.
dd Day with a leading zero for days less than 10.
m Month without a leading zero.
mm Month with a leading zero for months less than 10.
yy Two digit year (no century).
yyyy Four digit year.

Sample Code

<field name="YourAPI_Date_FieldName" format="mm/dd/yyyy" />

Results in a date that looks something like this: 12/31/1999

<field name="YourAPI_Date_FieldName" format="yyyy-mm-dd" />

Results in a date that looks something like this: 1999-12-31

<field name="YourAPI_Date_FieldName" format="yyyy" />

Results in a date that looks something like this: 1999

<field name="YourAPI_Date_FieldName" format="mm dd, yyyy" />

Results in a date that looks something like this: 12 31, 1999

<field name="YourAPI_Date_FieldName" format="mmdd" />

Results in a date that looks something like this: 1231