Mobile Expenses: Creating an Expense

To create a new expense:

  1. On the navigation menu, tap Expenses.
  2. Tap New.
  3. [Optional] To attach an image to your expense:
    1. Tap Add Photo or Attachment.
    2. Select the image you want to attach. You can take a photo, or select a file from your phone. For more information on attaching images, see Mobile Expenses: Attaching an Image to an Expense.
  4. Tap the Project/Assignment field to search for and select a project or assignment.
  5. Select a date.
  6. Select an expense type. If you select an expense type that is linked to an expense rate, relevant fields are displayed that are used to calculate the amount. For example, for the Auto Mileage expense type, Distance and Unit fields are displayed. For more information, see Expense Limits and Rates and Expense Limits and Rates Fields.
  7. [Optional] Tap the Billable field to indicate whether or not the expense is billable to a customer. The Billable field is automatically selected when you select a project or assignment that is billable and the associated expense report, if any, is billable. The Billable field only updates automatically when you select the project or assignment.
  8. In the Amount field, enter the total amount of the expense.
  9. [Optional] Change the expense currency, if required. If you have selected a project or assignment, the expense currency defaults to the project currency, even if the Currency field is not displayed.
  10. Tap Save.

    Note: When you are using the keyboard on your mobile phone, if you tap buttons such as Go, Enter, Return, or Search, this might select the Cancel button in the Salesforce mobile app and return you to the list of expenses without saving.

  11. [Optional] Click Ready to Submit to go to the page that enables you to submit your expenses.